
Mudhoney Tourbook, 2013

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2/2/13 The Showbox. Seattle, WA (50 min)
Attendance: 1,100
Supporting: The Sonics
Set: Slipping Away, You Got it, Who You Drivin' Now?, I Like it Small, In 'N' Out of Grace, Sweet Young Thing, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, I'm Now, The Only Son From the Widow of Nain, Song of Joy, (Chardonnay), Chardonnay, Tales of Terror (w/A Love Supreme)
Notes: After years of trying to set up a gig, Mudhoney and the Sonics play together. The guys are obviously stoked by the pairing. When they hit the stage, Mark says, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Did you see the marquee out there?" with a huge smile on his face. Early in the set, they play their attempt at writing a Sonics song, 'Who You Drivin' Now?' Steve ends 'Good Enough' with an exceptionally long note - so long that, after he finishes, Mark comments: "Did you fucking hear that note?! He could've kept going ... I still hear it!" Dan counts into 'Chardonnay' before Mark is ready, so Mark quickly stops things, gets his required drink of water, and they start back up again. During 'Tales of Terror,' Mark signals for them to go especially long on the breakdown and leaves the stage for a few moments. Guy goes into 'A Love Supreme,' and when Mark gets back on stage, he joins in, singing. While the breakdown is still going on, Mark comments on it: "You're experiencing one of the most beautiful musical moments in history ... Hey, why don't we just go back to giving them shit?" and they kick back into the song proper. In attendance are Tom Price (The Monkeywrench/The New Original Sonics Sound), Kurt Bloch, and Eddie Vedder. At the end of the Sonics' set, they bring Mudhoney up to collectively wave goodnight to the crowd. Guy, Mark, and Steve make it on stage, but not Dan. Dan was in front of the venue buying a hotdog from a cart.

3/29/13 The Doug Fir Lounge. Portland, OR (90 min)
Attendance: 300
Supported By: Deep Fried Boogie Band, Jagula
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, What to do with the Neutral, Chardonnay, The Final Course, In this Rubber Tomb, I Don't Remember You, The Widow from Nain, Song of Joy, Douchebags on Parade
Set #2: Touch Me I'm Sick, No One Has, Good Enough, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., Poisoned Water, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, You Got it, Suck You Dry
Encore: I'm Now, Tales of Terror (w/A Love Supreme), The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me
Notes: 'The Final Course,' 'In this Rubber Tomb,' and 'Douchebags on Parade' are premiered for the first of two record release shows for Vanishing Point. They play the entire record for the main set, then come back and do an especially long encore. This setup is similar to the record release shows for Under a Billion Suns on 3/17-18/06. As Dan said before the gig, "We'll do two different sets: the new record from start to finish, and then actually give people some songs they might want to hear." After 'I Don't Remember You,' Mark announces, "This is another true story - a resurrection story. That's appropriate with Easter (falling on March 31 this year). But it's not about that guy. It's about another guy. At the end of the first set, Mark has his standard Hagstrom guitar that he plays most slide guitar with. Steve straps on a black Hagstrom that's heretofore unseen. Mark notes, "For the first time on stage in Mudhoney history - TWO Hagstroms!" They take a very short break between the first set of the new record and the second set of old songs - and they're old songs, with only three of 10 post-dating 1991's Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge. They hit the stage and Mark says, "As Bad Religion once said," - and Steve jumps in so that they both say it at the same time - "back to the known." The second set and encore break down as five songs with Mark on slide guitar, five songs with Mark on regular guitar, and four songs with Mark only singing. The breakdown on 'Tales of Terror' is as long as its ever been. Some guy in the crowd throws a beer bottle on stage. Mark tells him, "Throw all the bottles you want. We can do this (breakdown) for hours."

3/30/13 Neumo's. Seattle, WA (85 min)
Attendance: 600
Supported By: Unnatural Helpers, Universe People
Soundcheck: Slipping Away (fast part only), In this Rubber Tomb, Douchebags on Parade
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, What to do with the Neutral, Chardonnay, The Final Course, In this Rubber Tomb, I Don't Remember You, The Widow from Nain, Song of Joy, Douchebags on Parade
Set #2: Touch Me I'm Sick, No One Has, Good Enough, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., Poisoned Water, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, You Got it, Suck You Dry
Encore: The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me
Notes: This is the second of two Vanishing Point record release shows where they play the record in full in one set, then play a second set of old songs, followed by an encore. The setlist is nearly identical to last night, but the band is a little tighter - probably because of the extra practice. Neumo's is uncomfortably over-sold, as is the style at this venue. Right before the band takes the stage, Lukin crosses it to get to his viewing spot, which draws cheers from the audience. Then the band takes the stage...and Dan immediately leaves. After some consultation between the three remaining band members, Mark asks the crod, "Does anyone know how to play drums on our new songs?" Dan returns with a drink, and the show begins. Steve does his ending to 'Song of Joy,' only they still have to do the solo and the part of the song after that. He defends himself by saying, "I need a new (guitar) pick. I was just thinking about that." They eventually make the save and get back into the song. After that song, Mark is talking about the new record, and how they're playing it in order. Some guy yells for 'Touch Me I'm Sick,' and Mark lets him know, "That is not the last song on our new record." They come out for the second set, and Mark then introduces 'Touch Me I'm sick' with, "This is the real last song on our new record." Mark asks Steve to check his watch before 'Poisoned Water,' even though its on unreliable Portland time, and it's past midnight and is now March 31, so they wish Guy a happy birthday. The crowd sings to him, the guys come around to give him a hug, and two people throw marijuana pipes on stage as a form of gift (however, both are empty). During 'Poisoned Water,' temporary bassist for the February 2001 South American tour Steve Dukich crowd surfs, and Mark asks, "Hey Steve, don't you have some kids to take care of at home?" Steve starts up 'You Got it' incredibly fast, and the guys get a laugh over it, before Steve does the song per the usual tempo.

3/31/13 KEXP Studios. Seattle, WA (30 min)
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, What to do with the Neutral, I Don't Remember You, (Douchebags on Parade), Douchebags on Parade, In this Rubber Romb, (Chardonnay), Chardonnay
Notes: The first four songs were broadcast live on the air, with an interview taking place after 'I Like it Small.' This is similar to what they did during the release of Under a Billion Suns on 3/14/06. They take a break and come back to do three more songs that are not broadcast - two of which they stop and redo. All of the songs were recorded for a possible vinyl release, jointly put out by Sub Pop and KEXP.

4/1/13 KNDD Studios. Seattle, WA (10 min)
Set: I Like it Small, What to do with the Neutral
Notes: Mudhoney recorded two songs and gave a short interview, which was broadcast on the radio later that day.

4/1/13 Easy Street Records. Seattle, WA (55 min)
Attendance: 250
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, What to do with the Neutral, Chardonnay, The Final Course, In this Rubber Tomb, I Don't Remember You, The Widow from Nain, Song of Joy, Douchebags on Parade
Encore: Touch Me I'm Sick, Sweet Young Thing, The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me
Notes: They do a free performance at Easy Street Records on the occasion of releasing their new album, like they did on 9/27/98 for Tomorrow Hit Today, 3/7/06 for Under a Billion Suns, and 5/20/08 for The Lucky Ones and Superfuzz Bigmuff: Deluxe Edition. After the performance, they sign copies of the record. There were free posters designed by Ed Fotheringham (album art for Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, Piece of Cake, My Brother the Cow, and The Lucky Ones) for people who bought the record. They play Vanishing Point in full, then encore with the first single and two covers. It's so crowded that it makes Neumo's feel spacious - the audience even spills out into the street and watches through the windows. Present are Tom Price and Mark Pickerel.

4/12/13 Slim's. San Francisco, CA
Supported By: Hot Lunch
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow From Nain
Encore: Song of Joy, Chardonnay, Tales of Terror
Encore 2: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me

4/13/13 The Casbah. San Diego, CA
Supported By: Tar Halos, Creepxotica
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow From Nain
Encore: Song of Joy, Chardonnay, Tales of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me

4/14/13 The Echo. Los Angeles, CA (85 min)
Supported By: The Freeks
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, (Touch Me I'm Sick), Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow From Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Chardonnay, Tales of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me
Notes: Part-way through 'Touch Me I'm Sick,' a crowd surfer is thrown on stage and messes up Steve's pedals. They clear him, get the pedals back in order, and start the song over from the top.

5/10/13 The Paradise Rock Club. Boston, MA
Supported By: White Dynomite!
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow From Nain
Encore: Hate the Police, Fix Me (encore incomplete)

5/11/13 Music Hall of Williamsburg. New York City, NY
Supported By: Pissed Jeans
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow From Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Chardonnay, Fix Me
Notes: They called an audible and diverged from the encore on the printed setlist, which was Song of Joy, Chardonnay, and Tales of Terror.

5/12/13 WFMU Studios. Jersey City, NJ (25 min)
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, What to do with the Neutral, The Final Course, The Widow From Nain, Chardonnay
Notes: Mudhoney records an appearance for WFMU radio in the morning, before their Bowery Ballroom show in the evening. The performance airs on May 14 at 4pm ET on Brian Turner's show. They play six songs from Vanishing Point, then have a short interview.

5/12/13 The Bowery Ballroom. New York City, NY
Supported By: Endless Boogie
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, In This Rubber Tomb, Poisoned Water, F.D.K., Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow From Nain, Chardonnay
Encore: Into the Drink, In 'N' Out of Grace, Song of Joy, Tales of Terror, Hate the Police

5/21/13 zakk Halle. Dusseldorf, Germany
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: As they finish the main set, Mark addresses the city of Dortmund. Only, that's not the correct city, which he immediately realizes: "Oh, sorry, Dusseldorf! I fucked it up!" You would think that he would know better, being born in Germany. A stage diver gets on stage and dances along, pointing his fingers upward, while Mark stands behind him, mockingly imitating him - while playing guitar at the same time! When they come out for the encore, Mark pretends they don't know Here Comes Sickness: "Shall we really play Here Comes Sickness after 17 years? Guy wasn't even in the band then. He can't play it." Steve then pretends to give Guy a quick lesson in the song, and they start into it.

5/22/13 Melkweg. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, F.D.K., In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: (unknown)

5/23/13 Forum. Bielefeld, Germany
Supported By: The Treatment

5/24/13 Loppen. Copenhagen, Denmark
Supported By: The Treatment
Notes: Steve: "It was a really hot, sweating and wild concert. It was as if the sweat dripped down from the ceiling."

5/25/13 Werk II. Leipzig, Germany
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like It Small, You Got It, Suck You Dry, Get Into Yours, F.D.K., In this Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., Good Enough, Douchebags On Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: The performance got moved up to 6pm so that it would end before the start of the Champions League soccer final between two German teams, Bayern and Dortmund.

5/26/13 Festaal Kreuzberg. Berlin, Germany
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Who You Drivin' Now?, F.D.K., Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Rol1..., (unknown)

5/27/13 Fabrik. Hamburg, Germany
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, F.D.K., In This Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Tales of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

5/28/13 Stodola. Warsaw, Poland
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, In This Rubber Tomb, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: (unknown)

5/29/13 Lucerna Music Bar. Prague, Czech Republic
Supported By: Gnu, The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Poisoned Water, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

5/30/13 Pogon Jedinstvo. Zagreb, Croatia
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Touch Me I'm Sick, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me (set incomplete)

5/31/13 The Viper Theatre. Firenze, Italy
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, In this Rubber Tomb, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me Notes: Someone brings a banner to the show that the guys notice and proudly hold up on stage. It reads "Stay Grunge 4ever." 'Chardonnay' might have been played instead of 'Into the Drink.'

6/1/13 Les Docks. Lausanne, Switzerland
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like It Small, You Got It, Suck You Dry, Get Into Yours, In this Rubber Tomb, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., (Good Enough), Good Enough, Douchebags On Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, In 'N' Out of Grace, Tales of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: During Good Enough, a stage diver fell hard on his neck and didn't get up. The band stopped the song, and the show, for 20-30 minutes while emergency medical technicians came to take the guy to the hospital in an ambulance. This ended the good atmosphere at the show for the evening. Of this, Guy remembered in an article about his nursing career:

We stopped the show because a gentleman got up on the stage and then jumped down into the audience, which kind of parted ways. He fell and hurt his back. I went down and did a quick assessment while somebody called the ambulance.

6/2/13 Salzhaus Winterthur. Winterthur, Switzerland
Supported By: The Treatment

6/3/13 Zoom. Frankfurt, Germany (90 min)
Supported By: The Treatment
Set: Slipping Away, I Like It Small, You Got It, Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now?, In this Rubber Tomb, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags On Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Tales of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

6/4/13 Concorde 2. Brighton, England
Supported By: METZ
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Poisoned Water, In This Rubber Tomb, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain (set possibly out of order)
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: It's a very drunk and enthusiastic crowd for being a Tuesday night. The mosh pit is full of sweaty, drunk, Brighton-punk types: tattoos, mohawks, shirts off - and that's just the girls.

6/5/13 O2 ABC. Glasgow, Scotland
Attendance: 1,000
Supported By: The Meat Puppets, METZ
Set: Poisoned Water, Slipping Away, I Like it Small, Suck You Dry, You Got it, Where the Flavor is, In this Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, In 'N' Out Of Grace, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain (set possibly incomplete and out of order)
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, Tales Of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: Dan loses his drum stick on the very first drum hit to Poisoned Water, losing momentum right off the bat. Before Touch Me I'm Sick, Mark, Guy, and Steve crouch down and line their guitars up, anticipating Steve's opening riff. Mark thanks the Meat Puppets and says that it's great to play with them for the first time since about 1992 (note: 9/26/93). When they come out for the encore, Mark lets the crowd know that, "If anyone is curious about the secret of our longevity, it's because we drink wine instead of whisky" (Scotland being famous for its whisky). This is met with mock boos from the crowd and an apology from Mark.

6/6/13 O2 Academy. Newcastle, England
Supported By: The Meat Puppets, METZ
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Poisoned Water, In This Rubber Tomb, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: The show was originally scheduled for the significantly smaller O2 Academy 2 room at the venue (capacity: 400), but moved to the larger 02 Academy room due to high demand.

6/7/13 Manchester Academy. Manchester, England
Supported By: The Meat Puppets, METZ
Set: Poisoned Water, Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: When they come back out for the encore, Mark announces, "We just came up with a saying: We Yanks love you Mancs," referring to Americans and people from Manchester, respectively.

6/8/13 The Forum. London, England
Supported By: The Meat Puppets, METZ
Set: Poisoned Water, Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, F.D.K., Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Tales Of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

6/9/13 O2 Academy. Bristol, England
Supported By: METZ
Set: Poisoned Water, Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, F.D.K., Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Tales Of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

6/10/13 HMV Institute. Birmingham, England
Supported By: METZ
Set: Poisoned Water, Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, F.D.K., Where the Flavor is, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Good Enough, Douchebags on Parade, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Widow from Nain
Encore: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Tales Of Terror, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

7/9/13 "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon". NBC Studios. New York City, NY
Set: I Like it Small, The Widow from Nain
Notes: Mudhoney performs for the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon TV show that airs that evening (well, at 12:35am the next day). 'I Like it Small' is broadcast on the TV show, and 'The Widow from Nain' is posted to the Internet - a common action for bands that appear on the show. This was Mudhoney's first national TV appearance since appearing on Late Night with Conan O'Brien (the precursor to ...with Jimmy Fallon) on 6/19/95. The other guests were David Spade (who, like Mudhoney, appeared in film, Black Sheep - though they shared no scenes) and Kris Jenner.

7/11/13 The Space Needle. Seattle, WA (30 min)
Soundcheck: Into the Drink, What to do with the Neutral (soundcheck incomplete)
Set: Touch Me I'm Sick, I'm Now, The Final Course, Into the Drink, Chardonnay, Who You Drivin' Now?, What to do with the Neutral, I Don't Remember You, Suck You Dry, The Widow From Nain
Notes: Mudhoney plays ON TOP of the Space Needle (in your face, The Beatles!) as part of Sub Pop's 25th anniversary festivities, and this is the first time any band has ever played on the Space Needle. In addition to recognizing the 25th anniversary of Sub Pop, the show also recognizes the 33rd anniversary of Mark's senior prom, which was held at the Space Needle. The show is streamed live by KEXP. They do a whole set of songs without Mark on guitar, which leads to some rare occurrences - 'Into the Drink' and 'Suck You Dry' are played for the first known time without Mark on guitar. 'Touch Me I'm Sick' is played for the second time without Mark on guitar (see 2/7/09), and 'Who You Drivin' Now?' is played for the second time without Mark on guitar, as well (he played organ on it at 4/26/02 to give their fake Sonics song an extra level of fake Sonics-ness). There is the tiniest of crowds up there, including Megan Jasper and Bruce Pavitt of Sub Pop. Kim Thayil would've been in attendance, but as soon as he climbed the ladder and saw what the setup was, he decided he'd rather watch it on TV from the safety of the observation deck. The guys (wisely) barely move at all, with Mark using a straight mic stand and holding onto it with both hands for most of the show, a la Joey Ramone. Since they don't have applause to wait for, they rip through 10 songs in 30 minutes. Charles Peterson is in a helicopter, taking photos. The band comes just one song shy of playing only songs they released on Sub Pop - but they play 'Suck You Dry' near the end. After the set, they have a short interview with KEXP. Given the degree of difficulty here, this became only the second show that the guys performed where they were all completely sober (see 3/5/92).

7/13/13 "Sub Pop Silver Jubilee". "Sub Stage". (Georgetown Neighborhood). Seattle, WA (45 min)
Supporting: Built to Spill
Supported By: J Mascis, METZ, Pissed Jeans, King Tuff, Shearwater, Feast (bands on other stages included Father John Misty, Greg Dulli, Shabazz Palaces, The Baptist Generals, clipping., Chad VanGaalen, The Catheters, Brothers of the Sonic Cloth, Jack Endino's Earthworm, The Tom Price Desert Classic)
Set: Douchebags on Parade, No One Has, Judgment Rage..., Touch Me I'm Sick, Where the Flavor is, You Got it, I Like it Small, Suck You Dry, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You
Notes: This was a free show outdoors in Seattle's Georgetown neighborhood to celebrate Sub Pop's 25th anniversary. There wasn't a venue per se, but rather they set up stages at various locations in the neighborhood. Mudhoney plays the Sub Stage, with the other main stage being the Pop Stage (natch), and then the Elysian Stage breaks the link. This festival follows the 2008 S>P20 Festival that both Mudhoney and Green River played at. This version's lineup includes most every artist currently on the label, or who has ever been related to the label in any way. There will be no listing of who was there, except for former band members (Matt was there). Everyone was there. Also, Duff McKagan. Whereas the show from two days earlier had only Sub Pop songs, save for one, this set has only Sub Pop songs, save for two ('Judgment Rage...' and 'Suck You Dry'). After 'The Final Course,' Mark wonders, "Why am I smelling cigar smoke? Weed is fucking legal!" They get their set cut short for time constraints, leaving off 'Chardonnay' and 'The Widow from Nain.' This makes 'I Don't Remember You' the closer, and Mark later muses that it's a good song, but not one with a big finish that you want to close a show with. Perhaps most importantly, there was a large version of the 'You Got it' 45 record sleeve with the guys' faces cut out so that you could stick your own face in and have your photo taken - the true highlight of the Jubilee!

7/19/13 "The Underground Music Showcase". The Goodwill Parking Lot. Denver, CO (60 min)
Supported By: Bleached, The Omen, School Knights
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got It, Suck You Dry, No One Has, Judgment Rage..., Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Last Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow From Nain
Encote: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Fix Me
Notes: This show was held in the parking lot of the Goodwill on S Broadway. Before 'Touch Me I'm Sick,' Mark says, "I feel like Colorado and Washington are sister states. There's no reason to play Peter Tosh's 'Legalize It' in either of them. [audience laughs] Unless you want to hear the song." (Voters in both WA and CO voted to decriminalize marijuana in last November's election, though it's still illegal under federal law.) They finish their set, and think they're done with the gig. Then they come back a minute later and Mark says that they weren't prepared to have so much extra time left in their allotted amount; they must have played everything fast. Some guys in a house across the way hang a banner that says "Mudhoney Come Drink with Us," and the guys take the house up on its offer.

7/20/13 "Bash 13". Grumpy's Bar & Grill Parking Lot. Minneapolis, MN (60 min)
Supporting: Die Kreuzen, Hepa/titus
Supported By: Gay Witch Abortion, Negative Approach, Honky, Melvins
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, No One Has, Judgment Rage..., Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, Hate the Police
Notes: Like yesterday's show, this one is held in a parking lot. They spend some time at the start of songs trying to mess each other up, and Mark goes over to Steve's side and messes with his pedals during one of Steve's solos. Also like last night, they finish their set in less than their allotted time, so after a quick break, come back out and do a three song encore.

7/21/13 Turner Hall. Milwaukee, WI
Supporting: Melvins

8/16/13 "KEXP Concerts at the Mural". The Mural Ampitheater. Seattle, WA (75 min)
Attendance: 4,000
Supported By: The Grizzled Mighty, Dude York
Set: Poisoned Water, Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Douchebags on Parade, No One Has, Judgment Rage..., Touch Me I'm Sick, Where the Flavor is, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, (Chardonnay), I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: In 'N' Out of Grace, Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: They play a free outdoor show at the Mural Ampitheater, like they did on 7/7/91, 7/8/94, and 7/4/97. People are tossing beachballs around, and Mark uses one to play slide guitar with. 'Where the Flavor is' falls apart at the very end, causing the guys to laugh. Steve is starting up 'Chardonnay,' but there's a message from side stage that they're ahead of schedule, so they audible to 'I Don't Remember You' first. Then, after 'Nain,' the show is over, they've hit curfew, and people are dismantling the stage...only now people are re-mantling the stage, and they come back out for an encore that starts with as long a version of 'In 'N' Out of Grace' as they've ever played (all due to Dan's drum solo). After that, they huddle up, and decide on the last two songs. Mark comes back to the mic to thank everyone, catches something someone shouts at him, and says, "There's a guy in front who said to play it for Layne Stayley. I don't know what the fuck that means. But thanks to KEXP and we're going to play these for [KEXP's punk show] Sonic Reducer," which leads into closing with two punk covers.

8/30/13 The Magic Stick. Detroit, MI
Supported By: Easy Action, Protomartyr
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, F.D.K., In this Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Only Son from the Widow of Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, When Tomorrow Hits/In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: They play When Tomorrow Hits for the first time since 9/1/12 - almost a year ago.

8/31/13 Mayne Stage. Chicago, IL
Supported By: Easy Action, Protomartyr

9/1/13 Il Motore. Montreal, Canada
Supported By: Modern Primitive
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, F.D.K., In this Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Only Son from the Widow of Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, When Tomorrow Hits/In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me (encore incomplete)
Notes: They come out for the encore and play a few of their own songs, then the "encore connoisseur jukebox tunes" of covers.

9/2/13 Lee's Palace. Toronto, Canada
Supported By: The Dirty Nil
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, F.D.K., In this Rubber Tomb, Sweet Young Thing, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: When Tomorrow Hits/In 'N' Out of Grace, Here Comes Sickness, Poisoned Water, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: They stop 'Suck You Dry' almost as soon as they start it, when Mark trips over one of Steve's pedals, unplugging it. Alex Edkins of METZ ("discovered" by Mudhoney two years ago when they played shows together in Canada) is side-stage, and holds up a small sign for 'Poisoned Water' after the band finishes 'Here Comes Sickness.' Guy sees it, checks in with the other guys, and they call an audible and play it.

9/23/13 U Street Music Hall. Washington, D.C.
Supported By: Cheap Time
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, F.D.K., Oblivion, Judgment Rage..., Flat out Fucked, Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, I Don't Remember You, Chardonnay
Encore: When Tomorrow Hits/In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: They bring back 'Oblivion' for the first time since 10/9/10 and 'Flat out Fucked' for the first time since 3/4/05. Guy throws down some killer bass lines at the end of 'Flat out Fucked.' When they hit the third verse of 'In N Out of Grace,' Mark comes in with the first verse, before catching himself, to produce, "Jesus take me to a higher --- hate."

9/24/13 Cat's Cradle. Carrboro, NC
Supported By: Cheap Time
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Into the Drink, Who You Drivin' Now?, F.D.K., Oblivion, Judgment Rage..., Flat Out Fucked, Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral?, I'm Now, The Final Course, Ghost, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: Mudride, Here Comes Sickness, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: They bring back 'Ghost' for the first time since 3/19/99 (well, probably since 5/1/99, but the setlist for that show is unknown). This is the first time they've played it since Guy joined the band.

9/25/13 Tremont Music Hall. Charlotte, NC
Supported By: Cheap Time
Set: Poisoned Water, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now?, Get into Yours, F.D.K., In this Rubber Tomb, Judgment Rage..., Flat out Fucked, Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral?, I'm Now, The Final Course, Ghost, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: Here Comes Sickness, Hate the Police, Fix Me (encore probably incomplete)
Notes: This is Mudhoney's first time playing Charlotte, despite playing Carrboro about a million times.

9/26/13 Third Man Records. Nashville, TN
Supported By: Cheap Time
Set: F.D.K., Slipping Away, Here Comes Sickness, When Tomorrow Hits/In 'N' Out of Grace, I'm Now, The Final Course, What to do with the Neutral, Ghost, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain, Sweet Young Thing, Flat out Fucked, Judgment Rage..., No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick
Encore: The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me (encore possibly incomplete)
Notes: This show was recorded for release on Third Man Records, which leads to an unusual ordering of the songs. The recording wasn't even made to tape - it was direct to acetate, so luckily they didn't fuck any song up or break a string. Recording direct to acetate requires pausing the show after recording side A to prepare to record side B. The live record spans from 'Slipping Away' through '...Nain.' The first four songs are side A (Mark plays guitar on them) and the remainder are side B (Mark doesn't play guitar). They open a show with 'F.D.K.' for the first time to warm up before they start into the songs that'll be on the record. They probably close the main set with 'Touch Me I'm Sick' for the first time, but we're not taking the time to figure that out for sure.

9/27/13 "Goner Festival". The Hi-Tone Cafe. Memphis, TN
Supported By: Midnight Human Eye, Head, Cheap Time, Viva L'American Death Ray, True Sons of Thunder
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, F.D.K., Judgment Rage..., Flat out Fucked, Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me
Notes: Mudhoney plays the second day of this four-day festival. They go on stage at 1am the next day.

9/28/13 Club Dada. Dallas, TX
Supported By: Cheap Time
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Into the Drink, Who You Drivin' Now?, F.D.K., Oblivion, Judgment Rage..., Flat out Fucked, Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral, I'm Now, The Final Course, Ghost, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Encore: Mudride, In 'N' Out of Grace, The Money Will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

9/29/13 Mohawk Austin. Austin, TX
Supported By: Cheap Time
Notes: They play the early show that starts at 6:30 outside before the 9:00 indoor show.

9/30/13 Fitzgerald's Upstairs. Houston, TX
Supported By: Cheap Time
Set: Slipping Away, I Like it Small, You Got it, Suck You Dry, Into the Drink, Who You Drivin' Now?, F.D.K., Oblivion, Judgment Rage..., Flat Out Fucked, Sweet Young Thing, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, What to do with the Neutral (set incomplete)
Encore: When Tomorrow Hits, Here Comes Sickness, The Money will Roll..., Hate the Police, Fix Me

10/1/13 One Eyed Jack's. New Orleans, LA
Supported By: Cheap Time, Peelander-Z

10/2/13 The EARL. Atlanta, GA
Supported By: Cheap Time

11/29/13 Rose Garden Arena. Portland, OR (35 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: I'm Now, Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now, The Final Course, What to do with the Neutral, Next Time, Ghost, I Don't Remember You, The Open Mind, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain
Notes: They play their "punk" set (compare with the next night's set), and Mark doesn't even set his guitar up for it. So, traditional "Mark with guitar" songs are played differently - Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now?, and Ghost. And Ghost is played without Mark on guitar for the first time ever.

11/30/13 Spokane Arena. Spokane, WA (35 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Soundcheck: 1995, In this Rubber Tomb
Set: Slipping Away, Here Comes Sickness, 1995, Mudride, In this Rubber Tomb, Sonic Infusion, In 'N' Out of Grace
Notes: Tonight, they play their "psych" set, with a completely different set of songs from the "punk" set the night before. Also different from last night is that they have their Vanishing Point logo (like in Europe this past summer) displayed on the video screens to the sides of the stage while they play. They do 1995 for the first known time since 1/7/99. Guy is playing a new black Fender Precision Bass with a custom pickup (and setup work from Mike Lull), which is a gift from Jeff Ament. After In this Rubber Tomb, Guy takes a chance to thank Jeff for the bass publicly, saying, "It's a very nice bass, as you can probably hear."

12/2/13 Scotiabank Saddledome. Calgary, Canada (35 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Slipping Away, Here Comes Sickness, 1995, Mudride, In this Rubber Tomb, Sonic Infusion, In 'N' Out of Grace, I Like it Small
Notes: They add 'I Like it Small' to their "psych" set, which violates the concept of a psych set.

12/4/13 Rogers Arena. Vancouver, Canada (40 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: I'm Now, Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now, The Final Course, What to do with the Neutral, Next Time, Ghost, I Don't Remember You, The Open Mind, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain, The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams
Notes: Just as they're going on stage, they learn that they've got a little extra time tonight, so they add The Money Will Roll... and Fix Me. Like in Portland, Mark does the entire set without a guitar - including on the songs where he traditionally plays guitar. Dan counts into a song and starts playing Next Time, only everyone else starts with ...Neutral. A quick check of the setlist gets everyone on the same page. Mark introduces Chardonnay with, "Hold on a second, I need a little inspiration," as all the guys drink some wine before they begin the song. Mark and Steve come back out to play Kick Out the Jams (rather than Search and Destroy, since they played that the last time they were in Vancouver). They get off to a very rocky start, but soldier through, and are somewhat coherent by the time they finish the song.

12/6/13 Key Arena. Seattle, WA (40 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Slipping Away, Here Comes Sickness, 1995, Mudride, In this Rubber Tomb, Sonic Infusion, When Tomorrow Hits/In 'N' Out of Grace, I Like it Small
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams
Notes: Steve quickly stops In this Rubber Tomb as soon as they start it, and expresses that there's a problem with his wah wah pedal through the international language of music. He then nearly forgets to do the ending part of Sonic Infusion, and when prompted to do so, they go into a particularly slow version. Mark introduces I Like it Small with, "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. We'd like to leave you with one little thought." Mark and Steve come out for Pearl Jam's encore to do Kick Out the Jams with the band and Kim Thayil. Lukin comes out to horse around a little during the song, and Mike McCready hands his guitar over to local musician Tim DiJulio. After the song Mark prompts Mike McCready to play a Van Halen cover by wondering, "Does anyone here know the words to Eruption?" Mark and Steve chug from a three-liter bottle of wine, and leave the crowd to hear McCready's shredding.

12/11/13 Full Tilt Ice Cream (White Center). Seattle, WA (50 min)
Supported By: (none)
Set: I Like it Small, I'm Now, Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now, The Final Course, Next Time, Ghost, I Don't Remember You, The Open Mind, Chardonnay, The Only Son of the Widow from Nain, Touch Me I'm Sick, The Money Will Roll..., Fix Me, Hate the Police
Notes: They play a free show at Full Tilt's main retail store to celebrate the release of Mudhoney-flavor ice cream. Playing an ice cream parlor is a drastic difference from Key Arena five nights earlier, but the show rocks way harder. The room isn't large to begin with, and when you account for the presence of the pinball machines, it's jam packed, with more of the audience spilled out into the sidewalk and street than are in the venue. The band sets up in the front window so the entire crowd can see them, and periodically turns around and plays to the street audience behind them. This is a set where Mark doesn't play any guitar, and I Like it Small is done without Mark on guitar for the first time. Bruce Pavitt and Tom Price are in attendance. Mark comes in a beat early on the second verse of Next Time, leading to a dischordant sound, but they power through and come together by the chorus. Mark introduces Ghost as, "This is a Cheater Slicks song. The Cheater Slicks love ice cream, especially Mudhoney-flavored ice cream." After The Open Mind, someone shouts that this is the best Mudhoney show ever, and Guy tells him that he wasn't at the Space Needle. Then, after Chardonnay, Guy confuses the rest of the guys by ordering beer for the band from the stage while the rest of the guys are trying to play a song. The Only Son of the Widow from Nain closes the planned set, so they huddle up and agree on three more songs. They finish those three songs and are about to call it a night, but someone in the crowd shouts for Hate the Police because "We're in White Center" (a notoriously rough part of Seattle - note: a rough part of Seattle is not actually rough). Mark can't argue with that logic, and with a "Why not?" they launch into the song. All of their escape routes are blocked, so once they're done, they hang out in their performance area and mingle with the crowd, signing autographs and taking pictures for a good 45 minutes.

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