
Mudhoney Tourbook, 2005

2/19/05 The Crocodile Cafe. Seattle, WA
Supported By: Big Business, The Ruby Doe
Set: Hate the Police (set incomplete)
Notes: Steve breaks a string two or three times through the night. At one point, when he's replacing it, Mark referrs to him as a "craftsman at work." At one point, Guy referrs to Steve as a hippy, and Steve later says that, if they hate any group more than hippies, it's punkers and metalheads. Before the last song of the night, Hate the Police, he modifies that to, if they hate any group more than hippies, punkers and metalheads, it's the police.

2/24/05 Arena. Brisbane, Australia
Supported By: Giants of Science, Gazoonga Attack

2/25/05 Metro. Sydney, Australia (90 min)
Supported By: The Celibate Rifles, The Holy Soul
Set: Mudride, Who You Drivin' Now? Where the Flavor is, You Got it, Inside Job, (new song), This is the Life, Touch Me I'm Sick, Sweet Young thing, (new song), Suck You Dry, Pushing for War, Flat out Fucked, Get into Yours, Sonic Infusion (set possibly out of order)
Encore: When Tomorrow Hits, In 'N' Out of Grace, Hate the Police
Encore 2: Into the Drink, Here Comes Sickness
Notes: Mark introduces the second unknown song of the evening as one that they haven't recorded yet. As they leave for the night, Steve tells the crowd that they'll see them again in another six years.

2/26/05 The Corner Hotel. Melbourne, Australia
Attendance: 750
Supported By: Salmon, The Double Agents
Set: Mudride, Sweet Young Thing, Touch Me I'm Sick (set incomplete)
Encore: In 'N' Out of Grace, (unknown), Hate the Police

2/27/05 The Corner Hotel. Melbourne, Australia
Supported By: Spencer P. Jones & The Escape Committee, Legends of Motorsport
Set: When Tomorrow Hits, In 'N' Out of Grace, Poisoned Water, Inside Job, Try to be Kind, Touch Me I'm Sick, Sweet Young Thing, You Got it, This is the Life, Here Comes Sickness, Where the Flavor is, Flat out Fucked, Beneath the Valley..., Suck You Dry (set incomplete)
Encore: Into the Drink, Hate the Police
Notes: They add this show after the previous night sells out. Steve prefaces Hate the Police with, "If there are any police in the audience...fuck off."

3/2/05 Enigma. Adelaide, Australia
Supported By: The Gels

3/3/05 3 Bears Bar. Dunsborough, Australia
Supported By: The Fuzz, The Volcanics

3/4/05 Heat. Perth, Australia
Supported By: The Fuzz, The New Invincibles
Set: Mudride, Inside Job, Into the drink, You Got it, Where the Flavor is, This is the Life, I Have to Laugh, Touch Me I'm Sick, Sweet Young Thing, Flat out Fucked, Suck You Dry, Get into Yours, Sonic Infusion

4/22/05 Chrysler Museum of Art. Norfolk, VA
Attendance: 300
Set: Mudride, Poisoned Water, You Got it, Inside Job, I Saw the Light, Where the Flavor is, This is the Life, I Have to Laugh, Sweet Young Thing, Our Time is Now, Touch Me I'm Sick, It is Us, Dyin' For it, Get into Yours, Pushing for War, In 'N' Out of Grace
Encore: Suck You Dry, Into the Drink, Who You Drivin' Now?, Hate the Police
Notes: I Saw the Light is premiered. This show was performed on the lawn in front of the museum in conjunction with the closing of Charles Peterson's exhibition of photography there. Charles introduced the band. There were threats of severe thunderstorms and severe wind; the PA cut out shortly into the set. During Hate the Police 20-30 people jumped on stage, and the band could barely finish the song.

4/23/05 The Middle East. Cambridge, MA
Supported By: The Konks

5/6/05 Hell's Kitchen. Tacoma, WA (75 min)
Attendance: 200
Supported By: Honky, Mos Generator
Set: Mudride, Poisoned Water, You Got it, Inside Job, I Saw the Light, Where the Flavor is, This is the Life, I Have to Laugh, Sweet Young Thing, Our Time is Now, Touch Me I'm Sick, It is Us, Get into Yours, Pushing for War, In 'N' Out of Grace
Encore: Suck You Dry, Into the Drink, Who You Drivin' Now?, Hate the Police
Notes: This show was part of Hell's Kitchen's 3rd anniversary celebration. Mark forgets some of the words to Poisoned Water, and the second verse comes out close to, "mumble mumble forefathers mumble." After I Saw the Light, Guy takes the time to take issue with a local paper's characterization of the guys in the band as old. Steve says that they are old, and Mark agrees, save for Dan.

5/7/05 Sabala's. Portland, OR
Supported By: Napalm Beach, Honky

9/5/05 "Bumbershoot". Memorial Stadium. Seattle, WA (45 min)
Attendance: 10,000
Supporting: The Stooges
Set Suck You Dry, The Straight Life, You Got it, I Saw the Light, No One Has, Our Time is Now, Touch Me I'm Sick, On the Move, If I Think, It is Us, Pushing for War, In 'N' Out of Grace
Notes: This was the last concert as part of the four-day Bumbershoot festival on the Seattle Center grounds. No One Has is performed for the first known time since 12/3/92. Aside from the opening Suck You Dry, the setlist is entirely drawn from Superfuzz Bigmuff plus Early Singles, Since We've Become Translucent and new material. Mark introduces Touch Me I'm Sick Rocky and Bullwinkle style, with "And now for something we hope you'll really enjoy," in his best Peabody vioce. The solo to If I Think is particularly good. After the song, Steve spends a good deal of time making noises by touching his guitar cord to his guitar. Dan takes a nice drum solo in In 'N' Out of Grace, but when Mark steps up to the mic to talk, Dan veers back into the song proper. They stop the song altogether after the solo and Mark gets a chance to make his announcement: "We're here tonight because we made it known that we'd blow anyone we had to. One Reel [the festival promoter] is a very big organization and predominately male. Our jaws are very sore." Then they go straight into the last stanza of the song.

9/9/05 Cruise Terminal Building. San Diego, CA
Supported By: J Mascis
Set Mudride, Need (set incomplete)
Notes: This show was part of a private event associated with a skateboarding conference.

9/15/05 The Village. Dublin, Ireland
Set: Suck You Dry (set incomplete)
Notes: They open with 'Suck You Dry.'

9/16/05 "Don't Look Back". Koko Theater. London, England
Set: Touch Me I'm Sick, Sweet Young Thing, Need, Chain that Door, In 'N' Out of Grace, If I Think, No One Has, Mudride, Burn it Clean, You Got it, Halloween (w/I Wanna Be Your Dog), Hate the Police
Encore: Suck You Dry, Who You Drivin' Now?, I Saw the Light, It is Us, The Straight Life, On the Move, Here Comes Sickness
Notes: This show was part of the "Don't Look Back" series of concerts where bands played their classic albums in order. Mudhoney did Superfuzz Bigmuff plus Early Singles out of order. They started with the Touch Me I'm Sick single, then played side B of Superfuzz Bigmuff before side A and finished up with the other early singles. Steve: "We went to UK in order to play Superfuzz Bigmuff in this special event and then when we arrived we said, 'Crap, we should have practiced 'Twenty Four,' since it was the first song we released."

9/17/05 "Don't Look Back". Koko Theater. London, England
Set: Touch Me I'm Sick, Sweet Young Thing, Need, Chain that Door, In 'N' Out of Grace, If I Think, No One Has, Mudride, Burn it Clean, You Got it, Halloween (w/I Wanna Be Your Dog), Hate the Police
Encore: Into the Drink, Poisoned Water, I Saw the Light, Get into Yours, Pushing for War, Where the Flavor is, I Have to Laugh
Notes: This was the second of two "Don't Look Back" concerts where Mudhoney performed all of Superfuzz Bigmuff plus Early Singles.

11/19/05 12 Galaxies. San Francisco, CA
Supported By: Gris Gris
Set: Suck You Dry (set incomplete)
Encore: Hate the Police (set incomplete)

11/22/05 Estadio San Carlos de Apoquindo. Santiago, Chile
Attendance: 25,000
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Suck You Dry, The Straight Life, You Got it, I Saw the Light, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, On the Move, If I Think, Hard-on for War, In 'N' Out of Grace, Hate the Police
Notes: During Pearl Jam's set, Eddie Vedder introduces Lukin by thanking Mudhoney for playing with them, and mentioning that Matt couldn't make it.

11/23/05 Estadio San Carlos de Apoquindo. Santiago, Chile
Attendance: 25,000
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Mudride, Get into Yours, Inside Job, I Saw the Light, Sweet Young Thing, Touch Me I'm Sick, On the Move, It is Us, Dyin' for it, Hard-on for War, In 'N Out of Grace
Notes: Mark introduces Sweet Young Thing with, "This is our first single ever," and after the song says, "And now we want to play you the b-side of that single" and they go into Touch Me I'm Sick (Sweet Young Thing was originally going to be the a-side).

11/25/05 Ferrocarril Oeste Stadium. Buenos Aires, Argentina (40 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Mudride, The Straight Life, You Got it, I Saw the Light, Our Time is Now, No One Has, Touch Me I'm Sick, Pushing for War, Where is the Future?, Into the Drink (set possibly out of order)
Notes: This show was moved from Boca Juniors at the last minute due to a soccer match. At one point, Guy breaks a string, and while he's taking care of that, Mark announces that Steve is going to play a solo. This is news to Steve. Steve plays an anti-solo, while Dan comes out from behind his kit and holds up a lighter to Steve. Then Mark takes a solo, while Dan holds up a lighter for him, too.

11/26/05 Ferrocarril Oeste Stadium. Buenos Aires, Argentina (40 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: When Tomorrow Hits, In 'n' Out of Grace, Inside Job, I Saw the Light, Sweet Young Thing, Touch Me I'm Sick, On the Move, Here Comes Sickness, Pushing for War, Hate the Police
Notes: Before the band hits the stage, Mark comes out and jumps down to the audience and says hi to the people in the front row. This show was moved from Boca Juniors at the last minute due to a soccer match. Mark talks to the crowd in Spanish, a bit, including the This is Spinal Tap reference of "Somos Mudhoney de los Estados Unidos, ustedes deben ser Buenos Aires, Argentina" ("We are Mudhoney from USA, you must be Buenos Aires, Argentina"). At the end of the set, Steve announces that they're going to "play some punk rock from Austin, TX," and they do Hate the Police. Mark starts running around the stage a little while singing the song and trips and falls, giving himself a laugh. During Pearl Jam's set, there's shades of The Monkeywrench opening for Pearl Jam in London in 2000 when Eddie Vedder thanks the band for opening, and goes "Thanks to Mark Arm, Steve Turner, Dan Peters and...uh...uh...Madison, because when tomorrow hits, it will hit us all hard."

11/28/05 Gigantinho. Porto Alegre, Brazil
Attendance: 14,000
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Supported By: Good Morning Kiss
Set: When Tomorrow Hits, In 'N' Out of Grace, I Saw the Light, Sweet Young Thing, On the Move, Touch Me I'm Sick, You Got it, Here Comes Sickness, Pushing for War, Hate the Police
Notes: There's a strike on Argentina's Airways, so the guys use Pearl Jam's plane and arrive just minutes before the show. They don't have a chance to soundcheck properly, so Dan and Mark come out after Good Morning Kiss has played to do a quick level check while the crowd chants "Mudhoney!" During one song, Guy's bass strap becomes unhooked twice, and while he continues to play, a roadie comes out to try to fix it. Eventually, he waves the roadie off and cradles the bass with his knee for the rest of the song. Mark sings much of I Saw the Light while staring up at a spotlight.

11/30/05 Pedreira. Curitiba, Brazil
Supporting: Pearl Jam
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams
Notes: Mark and Steve join Pearl Jam at the end of their first encore to play Kick Out the Jams. This reunites the two with Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament to form 4/5 of Green River for the first time since 12/2/93. Mark takes the first verse, Eddie Vedder the second and they duet on the rest, while Steve takes a big solo in the middle. Neither Green River nor Mudhoney has done the song before, though Mark did it often with DKT/MC5.

12/2/05 Pacaembu. Sao Paolo, Brazil
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Suck You Dry, In 'N' Out of Grace, Sweet Young Thing, Touch Me I'm Sick, Mudride (set incomplete)

12/3/05 Pacaembu. Sao Paolo, Brazil
Supporting: Pearl Jam
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams
Notes: Mark and Steve joined Pearl Jam to close their first encore with Kick Out the Jams.

12/4/05 Apoteose. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Supporting: Pearl Jam
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams
Notes: Mark and Steve joined Pearl Jam near the end of their first encore for Kick Out the Jams.

12/7/05 Auditorio Coca-Cola. Monterrey, Mexico (50 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Soundcheck: Pushing for War, Poisoned Water, I Have to Laugh (soundcheck incomplete)
Set: Poisoned Water, Where the Flavor is, I Saw the Light, Pushing for War, Get into Yours, I Have to Laugh, Sweet Young Thing, Touch Me I'm Sick, Where is the Future?, You Got it, In 'N' Out of Grace, Hate the Police (set out of order, save for opening and closing songs)
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams, Rockin' in the Free World
Notes: Hate the Police is introduced as being by "a band from the United States." Mark and Steve joined Pearl Jam near the end of their second encore for two songs, including the first time they've done Neil Young's Rockin' in the Free World in any capacity. At the end of that song, Mark and Eddie Vedder are running around the stage, and then each throw two tambourines into the audience.

12/9/05 Palacio de los Deportes, Mexco City, Mexico (40 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: When Tomorrow Hits, In 'N' Out of Grace, I Saw The Light, Where The Flavor Is, I Have To Laugh, Sweet Young Thing, Touch Me I'm Sick, Where is the Future?, You Got It, Who You Driving Now?, Pushing for War, Hate the Police
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams
Notes: At the end of the show, Mark introduces Hate the Police, with "We are Mudhoney, and we love you. We love your food. There's one thing we don't love though...as a matter of fact we hate it...and it's the motherfucking police!" To start Pearl Jam's second encore, Eddie Vedder tells the audience about Green River, and welcomes Mark and Steve to the stage. Eddie continues with, "Now this man, he wants to tell you something," while pointing at Mark. Mark takes his cue and says, "Mexico City, we're here to do something...and that's to kick out the jams, motherfuckers!" as the combined band blasts into the song.

12/10/05 Palacio de los Deportes, Mexco City, Mexico (40 min)
Supporting: Pearl Jam
Set: Mudride, The Straight Life, I Saw the Light, No One Has, Our Time is Now, Touch Me I'm Sick, On the Move, Suck You Dry, Pushing for War, In 'N' Out of Grace, Hate the Police
With Pearl Jam: Kick Out the Jams, Rockin' in the Free World