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Example 1:
Tzu Ching A is already recycling every can and bottle he uses. On average he drinks a soda or a bottled juice everyday, so he recycles about 40 bottles and cans during the 40 days of official pledge period. He decides to take this above and beyond and pledges that for the next 3 weeks (21 days), he will recycle every can and bottle that his classmates do not recycle. He starts by checking the lecture hall floor and trashcans for any cans and bottles left behind after each class. Then he collects these items and drops them off at campus recycling bins. In 3 weeks, he saved 100 bottles and cans from being wasted as trash. From reading the "My Contribution" section, he knows that he contributed to saving water, energy, landfill spaces, as well as wildlife habitats by saving these 100 bottles and cans.

Example 2:
Tzu Ching A also eats out a lot on campus. Usually he uses the disposable spoon, fork, or chopsticks provided by the restaurant and just throw them away in trash after every meal. However, he recently realized that the manufacturing processes of plastic utensils release pollutions that may cause cancer, and the fact that the utensils are 'disposable' creates a lot of unnecessary trash that fill up the community landfill. He pledges that for the next 2 months (60 days), he will bring his own spoon, fork, and chopsticks in his backpack and use them whenever he eats out. He estimates that if he uses his own utensils for 60 days, at 2 meals a day, he will save 120 spoon, fork, or chopsticks. (Note: Although the official pledge period is 40 days, you may pledge for more than 40 days and promise your quantity saved by making honest estimate.)

Example 3:
Tzu Ching A saw on the "Pledge for Earth" worksheet that using energy conservation light bulbs is an environmental friendly decision. However, he still has two unused conventional light bulbs in stock in his closet, and he is not sure when any of his old light bulbs will burn out so he can replace them with energy conservation ones. He pledges that the next time he needs light bulbs, he will buy 4 energy conservation light bulbs and replace any burnt out light bulbs with the energy conservation ones in the future. (Note: You can pledge for future actions as long as you are committed to your promises.)

Although Tzu Ching A may have more pledges that are not mentioned above, his worksheet looks something like this so far:

Item #
Level 1: Basic Actions
Already Done
Days Pledged
Total Quantity Saved
I will recycle every can and bottle I use.
bottles & cans recycled
I will recycle all the paper I use.       Pieces of 8.5x11 equivalent paper
I will recycle newspaper and magazines.       No. of magazines and newspaper recycled
I will not leave water running when I brush my teeth.
      No. of times
I will turn off lights, TV, and computers when they are not being used.       No. of times turned off

Item #
Level 2: Pollution Reduction
Already Done
Days Pledged
Total Quantity Saved
I will reuse paper with blank backside.

Pieces of paper

I will drink from my own cup or reusable water bottle and not drink beverages sold in one-time-use containers (e.g. plastic bottles and aluminum cans).       No. of beverages sold in 1x use bottles & cans that I did not have to buyr
I will use reusable dining wares (e.g. Tzu Chi environmental bowl or washable bowls & plates) instead of disposable cups, bowls, plates, or carry-out boxes.      

No. of disposable items I did not have to use

I will use my own chopsticks, spoon, or fork instead of disposable chopsticks, spoons, and forks.
No. of disposable items I did not have to use

I will take only the foods I need and make sure I finish the foods I have in my plate.

      No. of meals
I will reuse plastic and paper grocery bags.       No. of bags reused
I will use my own reusable bags when I go shopping.
      No. of plastic bags I did not have to use
I will eat meals containing no meat-products.       No. of meals
I will pick up trash on the ground and put them in a trash bin.       Pieces of trash picked up
I will recycle every can and bottle I see that does not get recycled by other people.  
bottles & cans recycled

I pledge that I will carpool whenever possible.

      No. of times carpooled
I pledge that I will walk, bike, or take public transportation instead of driving whenever possible.       No of times I chose not to drive
I will not throw electronics (e.g. batteries, cell phones, computer, TV & monitors) in trash and will find ways to reuse or recycle them.       No. of electronic items reused or recycled
I will take more efficient showers and reduce the amount of water used per shower.      

No. of more efficient showers

I will use handkerchief instead of disposable paper towels and napkins.       pieces of paper towels and napkins I did not use
I will reuse packaging mailing materials (e.g. envelops, bubble sheet, padding foams, packing peanuts, tissue paper)       No. or items reused

Item #
Level 1: Basic Actions
Already Done
Days Pledged
Total Quantity Saved
I pledge to buy/use recycled paper.
bottles & cans recycled
I pledge to replace conventional light bulbs with energy conservation light bulbs.
Pieces of 8.5x11 equivalent paper