JUNE 1999

A Secondary School

Housing at Sham Shui Po

Scenes of Tsim Sha Tsui - June 1st

Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb

June 1 - This ancient tomb was discovered after leveling a hill slope. It has been converted into a museum. Displayed are many pottery and bronze objects. However there were no human bones found. The structure of the tomb and the tomb finds show a great similarity to those of the other Eastern Han tombs discovered in South China. The tomb was built into a raised marine terrace on the northwestern coast of the Kowloon Peninsula and was once near to the coast. Due to reclamation...when I went to look at the actual tomb, nothing can really be seen, as the interesting parts are closed off to the public. It was sort of a waste of my time.

Residing in Mirador Mansion, June 1st-2nd

Hong Kong University - June 2nd

Thomas Fung Studio - my favorite photography place!

I usually use Thomas Fung in the Shatin Town Plaza for developing photos because they do a very good job for an inexpensive price. This place is near McDonald's. For less than 50 HKD I can get a 36 roll developed with the 3R size at Thomas Fung. It is comparatively more expensive than normal places, but the quality difference is apparent in the photo prints! Of the 60+ rolls I have taken at Hong Kong, I have developed more than 90% of them here.

Tianement Square Candlelight Vigilance - June 4th

Monkey Mountain - June 5th

Scenes of Mongkok, June 2nd-6th

Breakfast with Raymond & His Mom

Tsing Yi Shopping Plaza

Grad Students

OISP Staff

My Last Dinner in HK

Good Bye, Hong Kong

June 26 - I have made more than ten trips to the airport, seeing so many people off, but this time, it is finally my turn to go. It was a morning flight, on a weekday. Only Raymond and Serina could make it, and they saw me off. One thing for sure - I will return one day! Good bye Hong Kong life!