Monkey Mountain
Saturday, June 5th, 1999

Hiroki, Julia, Reiko, Jacky, Claire, Johnny, and I took Bus 81 in Mongkok to get to Monkey Mountain. I was at a complete shock upon arrival. I expected a few monkeys wandering around, but they were absolutely everywhere! They were swarmed around an old lady who was feeding them, running in and out of the bathroom, looking through the trash cans, sitting on a fence, and swinging on the trees!

Monkey Searching for Hamburgers

The monkeys were all hanging around this lady carrying a bag full of food. They kept trying to grap for the food in there. However the lady was quite experienced in feeding the monkeys and had a sandal off to the side to discipline them if she needed to. She would hit those over-eager monkeys and push them back. The disciplined monkeys would learn their lessons - just for some time.

Left: This monkey was eating a mango. I
actually wanted to take a photo with it
and sat next to it. The monkey started
staring at me and then all of a sudden
started hitting me as hard as it can on
my shoulder! Needless to say, my shirt
got dirty because of its mango hands.
I saw some red marks on my skin on
where the monkey hit me. I was actually
more worried about getting some sort of
disease from these monkeys!

Right: Monkey knows how to drink from
a soda can

Monkey Drinking Breast Milk - a natural scene!

Top: Hiroki by the Old Monkey

Right: Julia by the Old Monkey

Moments later the Old Monkey would
start having ferocious growls

As we were walking, we stumbled across - another monkey. Claire tried to feed it with some sort of snack. However, the monkey didn't want it. It was so greedy that it wanted the bag of snacks! It jumped towards Claire's face! I don't think it is at all a good idea to bring small children here.

On top of a bridge away from the monkeys