Fall 1999 - Spring 2000

Things I brought back from Japan!
Needless to say, luggage was quite heavy.

Keio University, Kaisai Gakuin, Todai, Sophia University, ICU T-shirts
Ritsmeikan "sound maker"
Ruruuni Kenshin manga (26 vol.)
Berserk manga (17 vol.)
Kiseiju manga (5 vol.)
Ryuichi Kawamura phone card (from Yoshi)
blue & white bandana (thanks, Mika)
a fan of Paris (Ryuhei)
30 rolls of film
Dango 3 Kyodai notepad (Yoshi, again)
Sega Virtua Stick
Yoshimoto keyholder (Udacchi!)
used phonecards (thank you everyone!)
July JR schedule book
L'Arc-en-ciel Ray & Ark CD (lots of CDs)
Studio Ghilbi Animation Theme Songs CD
drawing from Hiroshima Peace Museum
fake marimo from Akan-ko in Hokkaido
Nanba, Osaka T-shirt (Kaorin, arigatou!)
keychains (from all over Japan)
tissue paper advertisements
Making Out in Japanese book (Sanhao)
fan from Gion matsuri

Rika in SF

  August 5 - One day after I came back from Japan, my friend
  Rika from Japan came over to America for sightseeing. My
  brother, cousin, and I showed her around San Francisco.

  left : Golden Gate Bridge (Tom, Rika, Warren)
  bottom : Seals at Pier 39 (Lander, Rika, Tom)

Photos of San Francisco

My roommate Yuki is from Los Angeles. He's Japanese
but was born in the United States. He currently studies
computer animation/art at a nearby college. He already
has a portfolio of 60-70 drawings and paintings. He
is working on making a CD with all the music equip-
ment he has in his room. His hair is quite...uhmm...
unique, but he doesn't always have time to put all that
gel to make it look right and usually wears a POLO beanie.
Once he told me that in the future he might shave off all
his hair and then purchase 7 wigs and 7 complete outfits
for each day of the week! He's not normally dressed like
this in the photo but he had a presentation in class today.
Oh yeah, his full name is Yukiteru, as Yuki is normally a
girl's name.

photo : Yuki in his room

My brother Tom needed a suit
for job interviews

Bored, my sister Eunice & I
took a photo at Macy's

Moon Festival at Chinatown, SF
Tom & my sister Betty

Art Car Fest - September 26

Miki Visits Berkeley

10.10 - Yukako's friend Miki
is an exchange student at UC
Davis. Miki, Yuki, Tom, & I
walked around Berkeley today.

A face is painted on the wall.

The art building stairs
are filled with graffitti!!

Photos of Berkeley

My Grandma is used to doing this, having once lived in village life

Halloween 2000
Every year, my family participates in Halloween. We would always carve a pumpkin and place a candle inside it to welcome visitors. However I must admit that my grandma is very reserved in passing out candy. Because I am too big for trick & treating, all I do these recent years is accompanying my sister as she hunts for candy. This Halloween she is dressed up as a mouse...oops, actually a cat.

Getting a haircut from my brother

Christmas 2000

top left: Outdoor Lights

bottom left: Family

top: Indoor Christmas Tree

U.S.S. Hornet Aircraft Carrier

Mimi was about to return to Hong Kong and Miki
was about to return to Japan so we had some
much too sweet pie @ Davis
After playing tennis for two hours (and losing
to them) Vivian, her boyfriend & I ate curry @
her apartment
My high school buddy Chris and his girlfriend
Christina invited me a pancake breakfast @
IHOP (International House of Pancakes)
I went to visit my brother @ SEGA, his
workplace, with his OISPer friend, Big Steve,
who came from Washington D.C.