Art Car Fest
On a Sunday morning, I was woken up by noise coming from outside my apartment. To my surprise, there were cars parked all over one side of the street. All this was happening right outside! They were strange cars, heavily decorated with all sorts of things. There also many strangely dressed people as well as many photographers lurking around. I have later learned that this was a car art show, which is part of the "How Berkeley Can You Be" Festival.

My roommate and I are in this photo. Notice that we are not really dressed up. We just went outside our apartment without changing so we are still wearing sandals. The building in the background with many windows is our apartment complex. We live on the bottom left apartment. The car we are in front of is decorated with hundreds of corks. All these cars were parked here for several hours.

guitar motorcycle

covered with lots of toys

My roommate

green aliens?

Frog Van

I'm examining the UFO

long American convertible

blocks are sticking out

After a while, the engines roared and the parade began!

The car itself is a musical instrument!

once a VW Beetle

a tall bike

a Shaman stands on the car hood

When the parade finished, all the cars stopped by near a park, where a party was happening.

The people of Cyberbuss get off and hit the drums

lots of decorations

thousands of buttons cover the car!