Through this analysis of the subject matter, one finds that the future of the music industry does lie in the downloading revolution through internet-based music interfaces. By looking at historical trends, current events, consumer input, and the success of these interfaces in the status quo, it is hard to deny that these music interfaces are here to stay for a while.
Nevertheless, our historical analysis also shows that the music industry is not a constant one. It changes as it did from tapes to CDs, from CDs to CD-R’s, and from CD-R’s to MP3s and online music interfaces. And, in recent years, the growth of the MP3 has been tremendous and widely received.
The music industry is exactly what it says it is, it is an industry. Because its focus is on profits, revenues, and the consumer, it must be able to be dynamic and spur development. While it is important to note that these internet-based music interfaces may be the next face of the music industry, there will most likely be something in the future, years from now, which may very well displace them as the next “new thing” for the industry. The business world is an ever-changing organism and in order to survive, the industry must be able to move with it, adapting and developing innovation on the way. This is the only way to stay alive. But for now, the next new innovation of this business is the internet-based music interface.

The Evolution from Tape to CD to MP3