CHSN Tech Club Charter
Technology Club Charter
Clarkstown High School North Technology Club agrees to be subject to the following conditions:
This club shall exist for the subject of its members and the student body.
This club must have a faculty advisor, and it, plus its activities, must meet this approval of the administration.
No activities may be run by this club which are detrimental to the student body, to the school as a whole, or interfere with the educational process.
This club shall not discriminate in choosing its members by race, religion, political belief, or economic standing.
This club will submit a calendar of events for the coming school year to the executive council in June of the previous year. Failure to do so means that each activity must be approved separately by the school council.
The Student Council may not interfere in the internal affairs of this club except as provided for in the Student Council Constitution (Article III).
This charter may be revoked by the Student Council only for a violation by the club of the provisions of the charter of the Student Council Constitution.
This charter shall be good, unless revoked, and need not be renewed, unless the Student Council exercises its prerogative to reword the context of the charter, whereupon a new charter must be reapplied for in September of the school year following the year which the change was made.
Should this charter be revoked as provided for in the Student Council Constitution it may not be reapplied for until September of the school year following the year of revocation.
One copy of this charter shall be used for the records of this club; one copy shall be used for Student Council records; one copy shall be given to the administration. All three copies must bear the signature of the club president, club advisor, Student Council president, Student Council Advisor, and Principal.
Dara Adib, Club President
David Tepper, Club Advisor
Sam Leiter, Student Council President
Moira Clark, Student Council Advisor
Harry Leonardatos, School Principal