National Day - October 1st

Guangzhou Trip - October 2nd-4th

Mid-Autumn Festival - October 5th

Kungfu Demonstration

On the 10th there were kungfu demonstrations. Among the participants were United College Northern Shaolin Kungfu, New Asia College Southern Shaolin Kungfu, Hong Kong University Weng Chun, HKUST Weng Chun, HK Polytechnic University Weng Chun, City University Weng Chun, police Weng Chun, and a private Shaolin kungfu school. As you can see, Weng Chun is by far the most popular. However, where the heck is Chung Chi College Weng Chun?!

This is the picture of all my club members that went to the demonstration. The one in the center is an accountant. However he is no mere accountant. He is our sifu!

Orientation For Sixth Formers

I offered to help staff the OISP display booth at the "Orientation Day for Sixth Formers 1998" this Saturday on October 10. My responsibilities were to distribue OISP's promotional flyers to the highschoolers, to share with them informally your study abroad experience and to answer any questions they have on overseas exchanges. And of, we were asked to inform the visitors that CUHK has the largest number of exchange agreements among the 8 post-secondary institutions in Hong Kong. Another thing that I did quite often was show people the way to Franklin canteen because everyone seemed to have a hard time finding it. Mitsuyo was the best in passing out the flyers because everyone she passed it out to accepted us. As for us males, many people just ignored us and kept walking.
From left to right: I, Ayumi, Mitsuyo, Jacqueline, Erica, Erik

Shantou Teaching Trip - October 16-18

Toshihiro Becomes More Toshiyori

Toshihiro's birthday!!! Yoshiharu and I gave him a Happy Corner! Just kidding, all we did was eat some cake in his room. Well, happy 23rd birthday!


Believe it or not, that is a real skull of Ah Kit,
the medical student who lives across my room.

We Kungfu students went to a festival in UC right after practice.

CLC New Territories Trip - October 23rd

UC 1000 People Party - October 23rd

Hong Kong Park

Yoshi, James, Nobuko, Michael, Takuya, and I went to Hong Kong Park. We planned to go to the tea house but it was closed. We then went into this garden place filled with many plants. Each room was special: there were cactus room, bamboo section, fern room, tropical plants room, etc... Afterwards we went to Causeway Bay to James's house. There Yoshi and Nobuko cooked while the rest of us ate.

Chris Patton's East and West Book Signing

I went to Shatin at 1:30 to wait in line for Chris Patton's book signing. There I bought his hardcover book for 190HKD. I ate some bread and water, which I had bought at Maxim's, while waiting. There weren't really that many people ahead of me because I went early. However, the line just grew and grew, outside the building and down to the streets. At 3:30 Patton was supposed to come but he was still in Tsim Sha Tsui signing books. He came at 4:30, signed a few books, and then left for dinner with Tung Che Hwa! The crowd was furious. However Patton had promised that he would give everyone a signiture, including his wife's, by signing many papers and then giving it to the bookstore to distribute them to people. This news was the headlines for the newpapers!

Chung Chi 1000 People Party - October 30th