Monday, October 5th, 1998

Tonight was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Maggie, Claire, Serina, my roomate Raymond, Mitsuyo and I all planned to go to Victoria Park and Victoria Peak today. I also invited a lot of people to go with us. At 5:30 Michael, Yoshi, Raymond, Takuya, Chihiro, Nobuko, Waniko, Masayuki, Kaori, Makiko, Serina, Power, Masa's friend Karen, and I met at University KCR station. We went to Causeway Bay where we met up with Jacob and Maggie. We ate at a cheap restaurant, as many of us had spent a lot of money by travelling during this brief vacation. There were quite a lot of people in Victoria Park. There were many lanterns decorated all over the place. There were also quite a lot of recreational activities.

Victoria Park

Jacob really wants to drink the whole thing!

After we were finished looking around, some people went home because they were too tired and sleepy to walk to the highest part of Victoria Peak. Kaori, Noburin, Masa, and Ayumi went back. Yoshi also had to go back because he had problems with his contact lenses. As for Karen, she left while we were at the restaurant long ago. Claire joined us at Causeway Bay and Mitsuyo joined us when we arrived at Admiralty. So now it was Maggie, Claire, Serina, Raymond, Makiko, Mitsuyo, Michael, Jacob, Takuya and I. We took the Peak Tram up. It was quite windy, making it very difficult to light up the lanterns. However, we managed to do it somehow and all of us had a lantern to hold.

The walk was about 20 minutes uphill. One by one, our lanterns went out. Somehow, Maggie's lasted all the way up there. However, lighting was no problem because the moon was a full bright moon and there was a lot of people walking around. We reached the top and looked around. It was a magnificent feeling. We sat on some benches and enjoyed mooncake and some snacks which we bought at Park N' Shop. It really was quite cold and luckily I brought with me some extra clothing for those who did not wear enough cloths. We ate the 4 mooncakes that Maggie brought with her. When we left it was nearly midnight. The walk down was a tiring one. Instead of taking the tram, we took a bus back to the lands below.