Yoshiharu no Tanjyobi - January 8

Shek O Barbecue - January 9

Bicycling in N.T.

On January 10, Eric, a fellow Berkeleyan, 3 of his friends (Stanley, Tim, and a girl), and I went to Tai Wai to rent bicycles. After negotiating for the price, $50, we went riding through Tai Po on the bike trails. There were many people riding bicycles. We had no specific place to go and sometimes we went back and forth. We also somtimes stopped to get something to eat, at the stands by the bike trails. We rode besides a river all the way to Tolo Harbour. We even went by Motorola, which I had visited a few months ago.

This is the bicycle renting place in Tai Wai.

Takuya's Birthday

It was Takuya's birthday on the 14th. Just like Yoshi's birthday, we (Toshi, Yoshi, Masa, Mitsuyo, Makiko, Mika, Noburin, Junichi, James, and Shinichi, and I) gathered early in the morning. We met in New Asia Canteen and proceeded to give Takuya a surprise at around 8:15. We planned to give him a rude awakening by dropping a hot towel onto his face. However, he somehow woke up at 7:00 today and was eating a toast when we came in. However, that doesn't mean he is immune to Happy Corner and Aruba!
Left photo: Notice Takuya's happy face. It is difficult to Happy Corner Takuya because he is so big.
Right photo: I am holding Takuya's leg, Yoshi is performing Aruba, Masa is sitting on Takuya, Toshi is pinning Takuya down, and Junichi...is just looking at the mess as he continues sucking on his fork.

Shaw College Fashion Show - January 14

Korean Barbecue

James Ma had reserved a table at Sorabol, a Korean restaurant, on January 16. At first we all met in front of Sogo. Toshihiro, Yoshiharu, Makiko, Mika, Nobuko, Masayuki, Junichi, Shinichi, Takuya, Kaori, Ayumi, James, and five students from Shanghai went. We had a private room with a karaoke machine, but no one sang. The chopsticks we used were metal. This lunch is a buffet. However, meat was limited because we had to wait in lines as the restaurant workers were cooking it. I managed to sample everything except the oysters. However, I was extremell full. Afterwards, some people went home, some people went shopping elsewhere, and most of the people went to karaoke, but Toshi and I went to the game center.

Store in Tai Po Market selling worshipping goods

Marco's Birthday

On October 18 right after kung fu practice, some of the kung fu club members brought out two cakes because it was Marco's birthday. Right before serving the cake, many of us grabbed Marco and Happy Cornered him against a tree. This tree is no ordinary tree, for it's bark is partially rubbed off since this tree is a very popular tree to use whenever people do Happy Corner.

Serina's Late Birthday

Because everyone was occupied last month, no one except one was able to celebrate Serina's birthday. For those who don't know, Serina is Mitsuyo's roommate. Thus on January 19, Claire, Raymond, Mitsuyo, Serina, and I went to Shanghai Restaurant located at 12 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. I had come to this restaurant before, as did Claire. Anyway, after finishing dinner, the waiter brought out a porcupine like cake that Claire had bought earlier. Serina is in this photo cutting the cake.
Waniko no Tanjyoubi

Right after coming back from TST, I went to UC College to wish Ayumi Niwa a happy birthday. The party started at 7 and ended a little after an hour so I missed it completely. I heard that she got a surprise party when she came home with Tomoe.

Shaw College 1000 People Party - January 22

Yopparatta no Kiyoko - January 22

Ping Shan Heritage Trail - January 23

Daily Stop can be found in many KCR stations

Tiger Balm Gardens & Repulse Bay - January 24

Chikako's Birthday

Her birthday was on Jan. 28. Many graduate
students went to her room shortly after the
stroke of midnight to celebrate! Click here for more photos.

Primary School Food Stand - January 29

Cheung Chau Island - January 30