Hard Rock Birthday - December 4

Faye Wong in Mongkok

I was going to Mongkok to develop photos when I saw quite a crowd of people. After asking someone and looking at the setup, I learned that Faye Wong was coming for a signing session. She came in, walked around a little bit and then sat down. There were a lot of people in line for her signiture. Some people brought her newest CD, some people brought a poster of her, and some people just used the little card that was given out. A lot of people tried to linger around to take her photo but the security or bodyguard just pushed them away. I unfortunately didn't get her signiture. However I took this photo. If you look straight in the center, you can see her wearing a pair of sunglasses! She was very busy! This is December 6, 1998.

Hong Kong Haircut

After procrastinating for at least three months, I finally gota haircut. I asked my friend Kayo to send me a Japanese hairstyle magazine from Japan. She send me BIDAN. After considering a Bz style haircut and a Kaneshiro Takeshi haircut, I decided to get the Bz because I wanted shorter hair. I made an appointment in advance, about a week. The place where I got the haircut was also recommended by Kayo. I was satisfied with my haircut and the price. It costed only $70 HKD! That is more cheaper than normal places, which usually cost at least $100. However, it is more expensive than the university barber, who has a somewhat notorius reputation. The catch with the place is that it is a hairstyling school, but I feel that there are no problems, as the students must be trying their hardest to improve their techniques. The address is:

2850 6773
16/F Tung Hip Comm. Building (near Sheung Wan MTR)
244-252 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong

It is important to make an appointment in advance!

Yukako no Tanjyobi

Yukako's birthday was on December 7.
Toshi and I surprised her with a Kero Kero Keroppi cake when
she was going to my hostel to return some photo negatives.

Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduation Day - December 10

Farewell Party for Michael - December 10

Dragon Tour - December 12

Kong-Nam Free Fighting Tournament - December 18

Minako in Shatin

My friend Minako from ICU (International Christian University) came from Japan on December 19th. She, Maggie, and I had a vegetarian dinner before we walked around outside. Since it was nearing Christmas, there were many lights up, illuminating this one bridge!

Sai Kung Seafood

Wakasa, her mother Sukiko and her older sister Chisato came to Hong Kong on December 20th. Their purpose was to shop and to eat delicious foods. Wakasa's foermer roomate Claire, Maggie, 2 locals (Man and some guy's whose name I forgot), Wakasa's family, and I went to Sai Kung to eat seafood. The kind of restaurant is quite unique because a lot of live sea creatures are displayed out in the front and we customers are to point to the seafood that we want to eat. After selecting the foods, we returned to our seats and then the waiter would ask us about how we want the food prepared. The meal was excellent! We also went to Honeymoon Dessert.
Left to Right: restaurant worker, Maggie, Wakasa, Man, Sukiko, Chisato

Meme Visit

The day after Wakasa arrived, Meme also came. Meme, her new friend Hiremi, Wakasa (apparently she didn't eat enough), Maggie, Johnny (CUHK Sociology graduate now a newspaper reporter), Chris Chow (Hiro's former roomate and CUHK Japanese graduate), Claire, and I went to eat at a Shanghai restaurant. Afterwards we all went to the Sweet Dynasty, a famous dessert place. We ate Tofu "flower", mango pudding, tapioca with manga, etc...
In the photo, Meme is joking with Chris

A Night View of HK Island from Tsim Sha Tsui

Happy Birthday and Bye, Michael

Yoshi, Toshi, Noburin, James, Mika, 4 of Michael's friends went to the airport to say goodbye to Michael. He was finally leaving this day, on the 22nd. Ironically, although we already had two parties for him, today was his real birthday and his real going away day. After giving me a HAPPY CORNER (Michael needed revenge on me for instigating all those HAPPY CORNERs on him), Michael volunteerily let us perform ARUBA to him. We all took photos. We then saw him go through the gate and customs, until he was out of sight. Michael will go to Taiwan before returning to Texas.