CJC Welcome Party
Saturday, September 8th, 2001

First I would like to apologize to all those people who I have not taken a picture of. I should have took more pictures to insure that everyone is at least in one photo. Sorry Ikuko, Gearardo, Saki, Tatsuo, Tomoko! I also tried my best to remember everyone's names, but I may have made mistakes in my comments. Please send me an email if you see anything wrong! Oh, if you want any photos, please don't hesitate to email me!

Fumiaki Toyama - Assasinated CJC President
Kohei Nagasawa - Janitor
Manabu Takano - MC
Naoko Kurahashi - co-MC & Drawing Game Timer
Norihiro Otaki - DJ of the Small Stereo
Toko Tsutsui - Vice President
Warren Fong - Ayashii Chugokujin Photographer
Ai Fujita - Clean-up Person (not officer)

Ikuko Okugawa
Johnny George
Mizuyo Nagata
Takaaki Nishikigi
Toshio Kyosai

Akiko Tateishi
Amy Everson
Chiharu Yuki
Kohei Mori
Nicholas Marrone
Maiko Kondo
Mio Morozomi
Naoko Tsuchiya
Takeshi Kakimoto
Tatsuya Takahashi
Yasunobu Takata
Katsuki Shimasaki
Lonnie Everson
Noah Bray-ali
Saki Takasu
Tomoko Sairenji

Ai Fujita
Ayano Uda
Gautam Kene
Kaori Kitano
Takuya Kochi
Yuko Kondo
Lea Okawa
Mayumi Takahashi
Mei Mei Everson
Saori Kato
Suzy Hall


In this game, all the audience participates. Naoko K will read a question and each individual must decide whether the answer is true (maru) or false (batsu). If the participant answers incorrectly, the participant will be eliminated. If the participant answers correctly, the participant will continue on the the next round, all the way until a single winner is determined.

Which??? "Maru" or "Batsu"?!

Saori loses & Takaaki wins!

Tatsuya's prize is ... an Orange!


In this game, each group will be given a topic and only the first person will be able to see that topic. The 1st person has 10 seconds to convey that topic to the next person by drawing to only to the 2nd person. The 2nd person will convey it to the 3rd person, who will convey it to the 4th, then to the 5th, and then finally to the 6th. The group wins if the 6th person is able to correctly guess the original topic. However, bad drawings often lead to utter chaos...

Pictures from the Drawing Game

Takeshi's poor drawing has utter consequences (see drawings).

Naoya, Chiharu Y, Kohei M, & Naoko wait while Nick draws.

Ayano laughs at her own drawing!

The topic revealed before Ai-chan, Gautam, Kaori, Ayano, & Yuko!

Toshio, Takaaki, & Mizuho waiting for Johnny George.


The CJC President has been murdered and the suspects are the 6 CJC officers, Toko, Toshi, Kohei, Naoko, Warren, and Nori. Each suspect denies that he/she has committed the murder and in turn, blames two other people. However, there are two people lying, and those two people are the real murderers. Unfortunately, this game did not go on that smooth. I am not sure but I don't think Manabu ever reveal the murderers, so I suppose the murderers have escaped without punishment.

The President has been assasinated!

Long Row of Suspects


In this game, a representative from each group will come forward and eat/drink something. Out of the 6 foods, one has been spiked with some very bad tasting thing. Each representative will eat his/her food and then all the groups will try guessing which person had eaten the bad tasting food, judging from the reactions, such as facial expressions and coughing. The person who had eaten the bad tasting thing will instead, try to pretend that he/she has not been the unfortunate one, because this person will obtain points for his/her group if he/she is not chosen as a guess. Oh yes, after each person eats, a cup of water will be given.

Lonnie, Takuya, Yasu, Naoya, & Toshio drinking after the oreo with toothpaste ordeal. The culprit was Yasu!

Ayano is a good actor with wasabi onigiri! However, it was Naoko T! Naoko said that it didn't taste so bad... so we needed more wasabi!

Suzy, Mayumi, Lea, Mei Mei & Saori are analyzing the situation, trying to figure out who was the one.

Johnny, Akiko, Maiko, Katsuki, Kaori, & Masami janken for first choice. Kaori said that the vinegar Sprite wasn't so bad & I agree with her.

Takeshi & Tatsuya off to the sides as Mio, Maiko and Naoko T sit on each other.


This game is quite simple. Using chopsticks, all the members of the group try to move the beans (replaced with some sort of snack because baka Fumi left the beans at Nori's house) all the way to the end of the table. For those groups of five, Toshi, and sometimes Fumi helped out. (However, Fumi did more bad than good, as he helped a group lose the championship by accidentally dropping 2 beans)

Katsuki is the leadoff batter.

Toshio & Mizuyo hard at work.

Noah, Gautam, Johnny, Ayano, & Yuko find refuge in the small pocket of sunlight.

Maiko, Mio, Naoko, Tatusya, Takeshi, Yasu busy chopsticking.

Mio's smile severly contrasts Fumi's serious face.

Chiharu Y, Naoya, Akiko, Nick, and Russell chatting while waiting for their turn.

Akiko, Nick, & Amy picking up the beans.

Group 5, Go!

Good Job, Ayano & Kaori!

Fumi drops a crucial bean in front of Chiharu Y.


...and due to the incompetence of Fumiaki, the winner is....Group 5!!! (although Group 2 should have won)

The Swaggering Tongues of Kaori, Chiharu Y, & Katsuki

Takaaki handshakes President Toyama