All the drawings are displayed in reverse order. This way, if you haven't ever played the game, you can try guessing what the drawing is supposed to represent!

CJC officers demonstrated the game! What good skills!
(note: topics were actually all decided at a meeting several days before)

Somehow, somehow, the vacuum cleaner degenerated into something resembling a baseball diamond! The purpose why we choose a vacuum cleaner is because there is a Japanese design and also a western design. However, that does not seem to be the main issue which caused the transformation. Shame on Takeshi because he was the one who let down his group! (refer to photo of him drawing the 2nd picture) He should not have spent the extra time drawing a person vacuuming. That really confused the next person! I also heard he was an archeitecture major, so why is his drawing skills so terrible?!

This was a very straight forward one. No one seemed to be confused at all. The initial drawing looks so good that the message was clearly conveyed to the rest. Nick, Akiko, Kohei M, Chiharu Y, Amy, and Naoya, Good job!

Hahahahahahahahahaha....for all those who thought this was a SEGA dreamcast controller, they are completely wrong. This was the most warped set of drawings in my opinion. The main reason why the whole group completely collapsed is because of ...... the second drawing. I would assume that the person couldn't recognize the first drawing, which also has problems because Maine, Texas, and the Great Lakes are all missing. California also seems to be positioned a little bit low. For the 3rd drawing, Ayano drew a TV, and thus, all hope dissappears. The 4th drawing looks like a mix between a TV and a door. But how in the world did it end up as a dreamcast controller??!!! Ai, Gautum, Kaori, Ayano, Takuya and Yuko should be ashamed of themselves! (especially Takuya because he was the first person)

With those trademark back fins and the fire breath, there was no way that Katsuki, Lonnie, Noah, Saki, and Tomoko could not mistaken this famous monster

Oh my gosh!!! This one is really hilarious. How could something as simple as sushi turn into something like a happy face!? It was the 4th drawing. By evidence on the photo which I have taken, Saori was the responsible one!!! Mei Mei did a very good first drawing, proving that she belongs in the SF Art Academy. Masami also did well. However Saori didn't leave much for Lea and Russell to work with!

This was too straightforward. There weren't any fun in this one at all!