
DAY 16 - Kyoto

DAY 17 - Nara

DAY 17 (continued) - Mika, Yoshi, and I headed for Namba in Osaka to meet Chang Ki for okonomiyaki dinner. It was really good. This was the first time I heard of cheese being put into okonomiyaki by a restaurant. (the other time was when Masa made it) While making phone calls underground, a saw a group of guys trying to carry their drunken friend to the train station. Their friend was so drunken, he couldn't even walk, so they all laid him down on a large cardboard sheet and then pulled the cardboard. They all stopped when the drunken guy's pants got loose and all those guys were laughing histerically. Needless to say, it was quite a scene. Anyway, I was staying at Chang Ki's 15000 yen/month apartment. The price is really cheap, but the place is so old. That night Chang Ki also helped me trim my hair in the back as it was bothering me. It was a pretty good job, considering that he never has done haircuts before. Chang Ki also uses aroma therapy, which is quite popular in Japan these days. However in my opinion, he's probably just trying to cover the stinky smell of his room.

Osaka with Chang, Yoshi & Mika

DAY 18 - All 3 of us, Yoshi, Chang & I somehow managed to fit in Chang Ki's 6-jo room last night. In addition, we all overslept because we slept really late the night before. We were going to Ritsmeikan, and we arrived 30 minutes late. Sanhao, Kaori, and Kyesook were all waiting for us. We ate the cafeteria before going to university cafe to get parfait. Prices were really cheap and the desserts were also so delicious! They costed only 300-400 yen! Yoshi went back to Nagoya that night, and Chang Ki and I returned to Hirakata. Another thing about Chang Ki's apartment is that the only shower available is a cold shower. Chang Ki cannot bear cold showers so we went to the public bath. I think it is rather expensive, costing 340 yen.

Eating Parfait at Ritsmeikan University! Thanks Sanhao!

DAY 19 - Chang Ki & I went to Kansai Gaidai for lunch. The mochi cheese pizza tasted just okay. While in the cafeteria, I suddenly realized that we were the only guys there. Chang explained that 70% of the student population were female, probably because the university is good for its language program. Kyesook was free that afternoon so we met her at Osaka Harbor Village. Kaori, on the other hand, was busy reading manga at a kiseten with her friend. The Osaka Aquarium was recommended by the Lonely Planet guide. The entrance fee was pretty expensive, but the place was really big. There were jumping dolphins, playful otters, and spider-like crabs. Chang, on the other hand, was falling asleep. Kyesook had an appointment that night, so Chang and I went off to Umeda. There was a used manga bookstore which I bought a lot of comics from 2 years ago. We found it and I bought Buzzer Beater, Arslan Senki, and Kiseiju. Through bargaining, there wouldn't be any tax. There was more comics which I wanted but I was scared to death of the accumulated weight. Kaori met us for dinner. We went to a cheap sushi place, being advertised by the Astroboy manga character. Sushi were 100 yen per plate, but the quality was just okay. Kaori was telling us that when she was in the manga kiseten, she and her friend would not disturb each other at all, and continuously read manga!

Kansai Gaidai

left: Chang Looking Stupid by the Gate

right: The Library

Osaka Aquarium at Osaka Harbor Village

Kyesook Fascinated, Chang Bored

Spider-like Crabs

Eating 100 yen Sushi with Kaori
DAY 20 - It was a relatively quiet day. Chang and I ate near Makino Station while reading the manga, Kyou Kara Ore Wa. At America-mura, we were joined by Kaori as we went shopping. I bought X-Japan's Blueblood. After lunch we ate at Haagen Daaz. The place was so expensive. Two scoops of ice cream costed as much as 600 yen! Since we came home late, the public baths were closed. I had no option but to take the cold shower. As for Chang, I don't think he took a shower at all!


Grafitti in an Alleyway

While taking pictures of platform shoes, Kaori yells, "WARREN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"


Chang Ki & His Gum at Haagen Daaz

DAY 21 - Chang took me out to Arashiyama near Kyoto, to see the famous old bridge out here. According to Chang Ki, in the past, there were many shops run by comedians in the area. In the afternoon we returned to Kyoto to see the Gion Matsuri. Kyesook and Kaori were joining us. Chang had explained to me that he doesn't really like the food at festivals because they aren't so good. They are made with cheap ingredients and by people who aren't really experts in doing them. I had some takoyaki and grilled eki. Kaori had the glazed apple and Kyesook had grilled eki. However, all Chang Ki wanted to eat was the new "Fresh Burger" at McDonald's! At night, I took the Shinkansen towards Okayama.

Chang Ki Washing Face

Walking in Hirakata

Arashiyama Bridge

Chang Ki Having Fun

Chang Giving Strange Face

Kaori, Kyesook, Chang & I at Gion Matsuri

Eating Festival Food

Those Famous Large Things