
DAY 17 (continued) - Yoshi & I were going to Nara to meet up with Mika. I have not seen Mika for quite long time as she left Hong Kong early to go job hunting. She also gave me a blue bandana. After lunch, we went to Kofuku-ji, one of the most famous temples in Nara. It has a treasure house containing many famous statues. Such pictures can often be found in Japanese textbooks, or so I have heard. Mika had came here 4 times, Yoshi had came twice, and I have came once! We took a break at a small shop selling kagigori, then headed for Todai-ji, which has the largest wooden building as well a very large buddha. That concluded our Nara trip.

Headless Statue at Nara Station

Eating Lunch

In Front of a Famous Pagoda

Mika Evading the Deer

This Time Mika Calmly Feeds the Deer

Yoshi Feeds the Deer

Eating Desert

Inside Kofuku-ji

Inside Kofuku-ji

Stuck and Can't Get Out

Deer Crossing

Back to Nara Station