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Math 105: A second course to real analysis (2022 Spring)

Instructor: Peng Zhou
Office: Evans 931, zoom office
Office Hour: TuTh, 11:10 - 12:30, Friday 4-4:50 (zoom, by appointment. send me a message on discord to let me know)


What this course is about? It is about 3 topics:

  • Lebesgue measure / integral.
  • Multi-dimensional calculus. Differential Forms. Stokes Theorem.
  • Fourier Analysis.

How do we run this course? We will have

  • read the textbook and then come to lecture. In lecture, I will focus on motivations and examples, and key steps in the proofs, but I will leave many details as exercises for you to fill in.
  • in class group discussion. Since we don't have a discussion session, this is the chance for you to know your classmates. We will have 2-3 person small groups, and have discussion 20-30 minutes. For the first two weeks, we will use spatialchat.
  • Discord discussion: a place to discuss lecture contents, and homework questions.
  • [NEW] Student homepage. Our course has an area where you can create your own homepage. In your homepage, you can share your class notes, homework solutions, whatever you want to share and think will be helpful to you or others.

How is this course graded? The grade will consist of participation in discussions (50%) and final (exam or essay and presentation, TBD) (50%).

It is hard to quantify participation, and I don't want to assign grade based on how many sentence you say. If one has to set a criterion, let's say, each week, you should

  • ask and answer at least one question on discord.
  • post your homework solution to to discord
  • in discord, comment at least two other student's homework posting.
  • You will also submit the homework to gradescope, where the grader or myself will give you comments.
  • You will be also given an in class quizzes, those will not be collected and graded, but will be used for self-diagnosis.

To measure performance, we will have a final essay and a 5-10 minutes presentation. You can choose a topic of your interests, read and write up an introduction survey, and record a video presentation. It is a bit vague for now, we can discuss how to make it work. (If this is too hard to figure out, we will just have a usual final exam)

Here is what the letter grade should mean

  • C: understand the definition and examples, understand the statement of the theorems, and able to tell whether a statement is true or false.
  • B: achieve C and, able to able to solve problem of level of textbook exercises.
  • A: achieve B and, understand the logic structure of the theorems, able to outline the key steps of the proofs. Able to explain clearly, in homework, in discussions. Actively participate in discussion (asking or answering questions).

So, say again, where should I submit homework?
The homework will be posted at the end of each week on this website, the homework will contain questions that you have encountered in class discussion, and some more exercises from Tao.

You will submit the homework three times:

  1. First, to the discord server, the #homework channel, so that other people can comment on your homework, give suggestions.
  2. Second, submit to the gradescope, so that our grader will give you more detailed comments.
  3. Finally, after you receive the graded homework back on Gradescope, you can make corrections, and post the corrected HW on your homepage. This is to keep a record for you and your classmates.

Although the homework is graded based on completion, I do hope you give each problem a serious thought. If you see a problem being too easy, you can just sketch the main steps; if you see a problem too hard, you can describe your failed attempt (or even better, ask for suggestions first on discord).


You should be able to download the first textbooks using the above links, once you login to your UC Berkeley account. The third one is advanced undergraduate level and first year graduate level book.


We will first cover Lebesgue measure and Lebesgue integral. This is covered Chapter 6 of Pugh, Chapter 7 and 8 in Tao. We will spend about about half the course doing this. Then, we consider multivariable calculus, with the goal of understanding the Stokes theorem, this is Chapter 5 of Pugh and Chapter 6 in Tao. Finally, we consider Fourier series, Chapter 5 in Tao.

You can find the homeworks in the folder Homeworks, or click on the links below.

Lectures Date Content Reading
Lecture 1 Jan 18 Tue Logistic and Introducing Outer Measure. Pugh 6.1, Tao 7.1-7.2
Lecture 2 Jan 20 Thu Properties of outer measure; measurable set Pugh 6.2, Tao 7.2, 7.4 HW1
Lecture 3 Jan 25 Tue Tao Lemma 7.4.2-7.4.5 Tao 7.4
Lecture 4 Jan 27 Thu Tao Lemma 7.4.6-7.4.11 Tao 7.4 HW2
Lecture 5 Feb 1 Tue Measurable Function, Regularity Tao 7.5, Pugh 6.4
Lecture 6 Feb 3 Thu Product and Slices Pugh 6.5 HW 3
Lecture 7 Feb 8 Tue Lebesgue integral Pugh 6.6
Lecture 8 Feb 10 Thu Lebesgue integral Pugh 6.6 HW4
Lecture 9 Feb 15 Tue Lebesgue integral (again) Tao 8.1
Lecture 10 Feb 17 Thu Lebesgue integral (again) Tao 8.2 HW5
Lecture 11 Feb 22 Tue Fubini theorem Tao 8.5, Pugh 6.7
Lecture 12 Feb 24 Thu Vitali Covering Pugh 6.8 HW 6
Lecture 13 Mar 1 Tue Vitali Covering, Lebesuge Density Theorem Pugh 6.8
Lecture 14 Mar 3 Thu Lebesgue Mean Value theorem Pugh 6.9 HW 7
Lecture 15 Mar 8 Tue Absolute Continuous function. Lebesgue main theorem Pugh 6.9
Lecture 16 Mar 10 Thu linear algebra, derivatives Pugh 5.1, 5.2 HW 8
Lecture 17 Mar 15 Tue
Lecture 18 Mar 17 Thu
Spring Recess Mar 22, 24.
Lecture 19 Mar 29 Tue
Lecture 20 Mar 31 Thu
Lecture 21 Apr 5 Tue
Lecture 22 Apr 7 Thu
Lecture 23 Apr 12 Tue
Lecture 24 Apr 14 Thu
Lecture 25 Apr 19 Tue
Lecture 26 Apr 21 Thu
Lecture 27 Apr 26 Tue
Lecture 28 Apr 28 Thu
RRR May 3 Tue
RRR May 5 Thu
math105-s22/start.1647131894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/12 16:38 by pzhou