

OΔE is a Economics Honor Society, established in order to support a strong network among its members. Our members are undergraduate students and alumni from the University of California, Berkeley. Its goal is the mutual benefit of those men and women in the study and in the profession of economics. We send many of our members into business, data science, and engineeering careers. Omicron Delta Epsilon is a great opportunity to become involved with other students interested in economics. OΔE seeks to create a closely-knit network of economics honors students on the UC Berkeley campus by:

  • Holding social/intellectual economics activities
  • Advising on career related opportunities
  • Organizing active forums with recruiting employers
  • Offering support groups and tutoring opportunities
  • Distinguishing students who have excelled in economics


  • Trip to the SF Federal Reserve
  • Company Info-sessions
  • On-campus Recruiting
  • Shadow Days
  • Graduate School Panels


  • Honor Thesis Infosession and Support
  • Blog and Economics Colloquiums
  • Mentorship Program
  • Lunches with Berkeley faculty
  • Faculty Lecture

Social and Services

  • Team-based activities
  • Financial literacy seminars
  • Volunteer Economics and Math Tutoring