updated 7/2/2000
a collection of web doodads I've made over the years. hopefully the more interesting ones. you might want to turn off javascript first b/c many of them are hosted in geocities/tripod.
roadtrip, pebble17mi/carmel [7/2/2000ce]

The car I usually drive; 103000miles as of May 20, 2000. Sunroof, 80hp 4cyl inline, 160watt cd player with two almost-speakers, black vinyl seats, fits 5+ people... handles well enough (rack & pinion). People keep saying to lower it, hahaha. Pic taken Jan 1999. [5/20/00]

Cooking, April 1st - "weak sauce" page about me cooking today. [4/1/00]

LongLake - this happened, I just didn't bring a camera. Three of us went, three of us came back. It was decent. We cooked, fished, and after a fashion, Bem and I purposely capsized an inflatable boat.

Saffire - I love my book. It died in February 1999, was fixed under warranty, and it died again in May 2000. Pending...

u g l y c o m p s - never finished, never went into production. if you write to companies they will send you stuff, though. For example, call amd or intel and you'll get lots of gratuitous posters, keychains, lit, and pens by mail.

10 bad foods - obviously anything with Olestra/Olean should be here too (crime against humanity)
10 good foods - I eat cream of wheat for breakfast.
Fall99 and Spring00 I've been eating out a lot around campus. Pizza, Chinese, hostess cupcakes and those old-fashioned "apple pies" to boot. Cupcake: 180cal, ($3.80/16). Pie: 500cal, $1.09.

Dachau graphics - a really badly written photoessay I did once a upon a time. For a travel class at EWU.

dead world - a really really stupid attempt at predicting things. it happens every so often. See what I mean?

Galaxy Express 3-9 - a neat anime movie I saw years ago.

MacWorld Expo 98 - I went in 99, too! But not in January 2000 -- i was thousands of miles away!

MOMA - computer art I did years back on the Quadra. not worth looking at!

Quadra 605 - the old Mac. it was my very first and it has three hard drives at least. Whenever my powerbook breaks down, I'm relegated to using it. 25MHz upgraded 68040 MOT processor with FPU, 10mbit pds ethernet card, gobs (36mb *cough*) of ram, and a June 1994 purchase date. I used to play lots of Marathon I, F/A-18 Hornet, Maniac (pacman/hangman), and other old school mac games on it.

Cucumbers - lots of times I've done webpages simply from boredom. The results however were original content. Vaguely.

1940 Fords - cars. I used to be interested in them somewhat. To the extent of being a MotorTrend subscriber for a year in junior high. Sheesh.

Sappho paper - maybe I should review things before onlining them. I did think Sappho was cool though.

Anniversary - how geek can things get? see thinkgeek.com for that answer


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