Mr. Capitan, Eggboy (White on the outside, yellow on the inside!)
The manliest man I know!
Three O
Last School Attended:
San Francisco State
Last Degree:
Teaching Credential (High School.. something)
What's he doing with his degree:
He's using it to pervert the minds of the next generation.
Mr. Sex Ed/Social Science Teacher
His "Look":
White guy in need of Queer Eye help!
IMing his high school aged students, oogling asian girls, Looking out for the "Conspiracy"
Favorite Friday Night Hangout:
In the Deathtrap.
Wishes he was:
Lounging with his Asian girlfriend...
Favorite Sayings:
"I was so drunk last night...", "She's not my girlfriend, we just dated..."
I have no idea how I met Jason. I think it was just one of those friend-of-a-friend things. In any case, now I am stuck with him because he can't get enough of all my asian friends. He's not so bad. Actually, he's nice, especially when drunk. He just needs to get laid really bad. Preferrably by you, if you're a girl.
Hey, look at what Jason wants in his girl.