
People > Friends > Angela: Compact and LOUD!


AKA: Angie, Dancing Queen, Wild Orchid
Gender: She's a Wild Orchid
Age: 25
Last School Attended: UC Davis
Last Degree: International Relations and some Minors
What's she doing with her degree: I dunno.
Profession: AP stuff
Her "Look": Wannabe Skank
Hobbies: Dancing (Erotic and otherwise), Singing Badly, Rich
Favorite Friday Night Hangout: In the arms of her lover
Wishes she was: Taller
Favorite way of hurting people: With her singing
Aspirations: To be on American Idol

I remember the first time I heard Angela sing. When she first started to sing, no one knew if she was singing the chorus or just another part of the song. Actually, everyone thought she was singing the wrong song. It was then that I found out that Angela was tone deaf. And then I noticed all her other flaws -- you know, like her loud obnoxious voice and shortness. But despite all that I am still her friend. I am such a nice guy. OK, truthfully, Angela isn't that bad. She's really nice, except when she's not.