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Quite astounding! After a short period of time, communist dignitaries around the world and workers alike found themselves more able to concentrate in the morning after a hearty commie pancake breakfast! Plus, the kit makes a great Christmas gift for godless communist swine! Listen to the voices in your head! Listen to the voices of the great thinkers! THEY ARE ALL TELLING YOU TO CONSUME!
Clicking below will take you to cafepress.com, where the PEOPLE labor to produce shirts and stuff with printing on demand for capitalist imperialst stooges. Use the back button if you want to come back here. Click here if you are a cheap marxist bastard and think these prices are too high.
Cheapass Corner
I know what you're thinking: "I'm a cheap bastard, I'll
instead." Great! That thong would look crappy on you anyway, bloated imperialist capitalist warthog.. And any way you can grease the wheels is fine by me.. and remember, the measley sum of two dollars gets you 20 postcards. POSTCARDS FOR THE PEOPLE!!! UNITE THE WORKING CLASS THRU FAIR WAGES FOR POSTAL WORKERS! TELL ME MORE!!
Ahem. Alright, I'm throwing the cheapskates another bone.. donations of $10 or more get a pack of 20 postcards, and get entered into a monthly drawing for one of 100 t-shirts. IF less than 100 people donate (very likely) YOU WILL ALL GET SHIRTS. YOU WILL NEED THE SHIRTS TO SURVIVE THE LONG WINTER IN THE GULAG!!! TELL ME MORE!!
Here's more info on donating, the cheapskates' cards and t-shirt promo, and where all the money is going.