The Deal
A lot of you are curious about the whole T-Shirt and Postcard promo, and want to make donations, but aren't sure what you will get or if you will get anything and most of you don't trust me anyway because I'm a raving capitalist lunatic that only thinks of money Money MONEY!! CONSUME CONSUMERIST CONSUMER!!
Actually, the truth is I'm only trying to collect donations for my friend who is interested in attending a labor/union organiser conference. All she needs is $200. 200 measley bucks. Oh yeah, and that's right, I'm working for free (dumbass) but I still need to recover the cost of hosting the site, registering the name, and some marketing cost... this is almost recovered completely thru donations by my friends but not quite. Yay! Shirts and cards for the PEOPLE! So anyways this is where you come in.
Make a donation to the site of $2 or more and you get 20 postcards. I'm printing these myself and not going through cafepress so it's very cheap for me. It's also cheap for you and you can feel good about yourself as you drive your DEATH GAS SPITTING SUV HOME FROM YOUR CUSHY JOB AND REHEAT YOUR "LEAN" CUISINE PACKETS!!
Make a donation of $10 or more and you will get 20 postcards (10 is more than 2). Also, you will probably get a t-shirt. I'm going to print 100 t-shirts myself each month and mail them to the lucky 100 people that donated $10 or more that month and got picked in a drawing. Your chances are VERY good of getting a shirt if you donate.. as of right now it's the 15th of the month (November) and there are 3 donations. Until there is more than 100 entrants, there will be no need for a drawing.. all entrants will get a shirt. Get it? Mail me if you're still confused. Winners will be notified on the first of the month by email, at which point they get to pick the design/color/size they want for the shirt.
So now that everything's cleared up, click below to make a donation to the site, to my friend, to the will of the PEOPLE!
By the way.. I'm not charging tax and shipping is free in the US. IF YOU LIVE IN SOME BACKWARDS 3RD WORLD COMMIE COUNTRY WE CAN WORK SOMETHING OUT!