
There are four main systems of Isshinryu in the United States. These are what I refer to as "factions," "cliques," or "tribes." It will become clear as to why I make this reference. There are variances in the Isshinryu system as taught here in the United States and although this article is mainly about the U. S. tribes it should be understood that this phenomena is not systemic to us but also lives well in Okinawa.

Side Bar: On Okinawa you have one of Tatsuo's senior students who still practices Isshinryu, you have the Uezu Sensei tribe and finally you have the Shimabuku, Kichero (Tatsuo's first son) tribe. All have their own way and refuse to see the others view, etc.

The United States Tribes of Isshinryu can be referred to by their originators, "Long," "Mitchum," "Nagle," and "Advincula." The base of these tribes are in Tennessee, Georgia, and California. So not only are they separated by specific belief systems but also by area.

I would suggest, as a collectable purchase, you get the video's from all three and do a literal comparison of how they practice kata. Although they have similarities there are still observable differences not to mention the practitioners themselves, which is ok since we are unique human beings. The performance should not be considered right or wrong since the essence of Isshinryu, the spirit of Isshinryu, is there. To me that is the most obvious and positive aspect of the practice of Isshinryu here in the States.

This belief system of each main progenitor of their tribe, Long, Mitchum, Nagle or Advincula, is propagated to all of their students and students students, i.e. descendants. Since all practitioners under their guidance tend to be emotionally indoctrinated into their personal belief system it makes it most difficult to bring about changes that would benefit all parties as well as the Isshinryu system as it is taught and practiced today.

It is a slow assimilation of students over a long period of time that creates this disparity and to achieve change would, in most all likelihood, require intra-membership in all tribes by someone with the ability to influence all parties, slowly over time, to bring about change. It does not mean that the core has to change it just means some of the facts about Isshinryu should be identical across the board. It is still a benefit of the system and those who practice it to achieve a unique way of training and practice leaving the core fundamentals intact so that would not be the main issue of change or creation of a cohesive symbiotic relationship between the trinity of Isshinryu tribes, cliques, or factions.

Even if the recognition of rank in all dojo/training facilities were accepted and acceptable regardless of its source that would be a beginning. After all, they earned it much like we earn college degrees, which are accepted for life, then we could have a good beginning between belief systems, tribes.

To influence the tribe one needs to recognize that this is a strong belief system that was influenced by the power, ego and control developed from its leadership that is hard to broach. The nature of man is to form groups/tribes for protection and survival. Each tribe will assume any disparity in practice and information as an assault against their belief system which in the minds of all the tribe members is tantamount to all out assault resulting in a "freak out survival mode that is perceived as a matter of life or death!" This is not trivial stuff, it is important and further shows the need for delicacy to bring about changes.

It is also a intricate aspect of the belief systems the lineage of the originators. The reference to "first generation" students of the founder is used by all the tribes of Isshinryu as if this has some special meaning and is perceived as some special mystical superior understanding of how to practice, train, and teach the style. This is ludicrous, get over it. Just because someone may have practiced on Okinawa under the watchful eye of Tatsuo does not imbue them with some special trait or ability. It has not intrinsic value, period. Just because you say that your teacher was the student of Nagle, Long, Mitchum or Advincula does not mean you are special or that the training was special or unique. It ain't, view the tapes and you will see for yourself.

This is the Isshinryu system in the United States. In my humble opinion it matters not one bit which tribe you join to learn Isshinryu. Isshinryu is Isshinryu as to its core and spirit. It is one of many ways to practice and learn karate. As we contemplate this information as well as all other information out there today we must always remember this one important fact, "All bottles are good, they all serve a purpose!" Find a tribe and fits your personality and speaks to you, join, enjoy and learn. The only caveat I encourage strongly is to "keep an open mind" regardless of the teacher or his beliefs. Create your own beliefs, those unique to you and the way you live life, nothing else really matters.