
"Government even in its best state is but a
necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one" --
Thomas Paine
The Cal Libertarians are a group of U.C. Berkeley Students who want
to get overly intrusive government out of our lives. Libertarians
believe in minimal government involvement on all political
issues. We support both free markets and personal freedom of
action. More...
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- field_subject_ergetm
- Posted Thu Dec 25 12:51:39 2008 by http://www.message_lasitricdard.com/
- x
- Posted Tue Oct 5 22:29:08 2004 by x
- Help out Measure Q in Berkeley!
- Posted Mon Sep 20 17:35:31 2004 by There is a measure on the Berkeley ballot this Nov. 2 to decriminalize prostitution, Measure Q. It needs active support from Libertarians in order to win! Please see the Sex Workers Outreach Project website to find out what's going on and how you can help: http://www.swop-usa.org
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
- Fall 2003 Meetings Part II
- Posted Tue Sep 23 18:38:49 2003 by Hi all, after successfully navigating the school bureaucracy I can now say that our official meeting place for the rest of the semester will be 85 Evans. So that's Wednesday nights, 7:00 PM @ 85 Evans. All students, faculty or members of the community with an abiding interest in Liberty are welcome.
- Spring 2003 Meetings, Part I
- Posted Tue Sep 16 17:13:46 2003 by Hey everyone, the meeting for this week will be held on Wednesday night at 7 PM in 2070 VLSB (Valley Life Scences Building, campus map). Note that this is NOT a permanent meeting place, but the time slot is. This week we're discussing tabling, flyer acquisition and speaker/event ideas. Bring a friend!
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Any questions, comments or problems with the website, please
email callib@ocf.berkeley.edu.
Last modified: Monday, 25-Apr-2005 17:24:19 PDT