Welcome to the Online Poker Addiction Forum
The internet has become one of the most powerful media in the history of mankind. Its functions and possibilities seem endless. Though it provides us with many benefits, the internet also has certain negative by-products. One example that exemplifies this assertion is internet poker.
It is the hypothesis of this website that online poker can be dangerous due to its addictive nature. Recently, poker on the internet has become tremendously popular. As an application of the internet, the game itself has altered and transformed. Though online poker is safe and fun for most, it poses serious problems to others since it can lead to addiction. In order to help prevent people from becoming addicted, society needs to become attuned to the threat that internet poker poses. In its various sections, this website examines the contentions listed in this paragraph, along with personal reflections from the designer of the site. It is the goal of this website to shed light on a topic that, due to its short time in existence, is not yet widely discussed. The information of this site begets awareness, and society needs to become aware of the implications of internet poker.