Top Banner
Introduction | Objectives and Motivations | History and Statistics | Instant Messaging in Student Life | Conclusions and Findings
Bibliography | Electronic Resources and Related Links | Personal and Technical Information


Technical Information
Web Development Tool: Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
Digital Imaging Program: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Recommended Interface: The website was designed for intended use in Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6. It has, however, been cross-browser tested and confirmed to work properly in Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. In order for the streaming audio to work properly, I suggest using the quicktime plug-in. Technically, however, any plug-in that can play .mp3/.m3u files should work successfully. Often audio problems are created by incorrectly set MIME type associations, so if possible, you should check to make sure your MIME settings are at default, or purposefully configured to use the correct plug-in.
Design Information: The graphical user interface for this website was initially created in Photoshop and then cut into segments for use in Dreamweaver. The design is comprised of one table with multiple rows, and was attempted to be created with as minimal code as possible in order to increase design efficiency and make the source code as understandable as possible. This one table is placed inside a frame which takes up 100% of the page. The other frame is a nonfunctional frame, used only to embed the background audio. By putting the audio in a separate frame, it allows the user to navigate the main frame without interrupting the continuity of the music. Additionally, the audio is not embedded in the normal manner. It is linked in a playlist, and the playlist is embedded. This allows for streamed audio which plays much sooner than if it were forced to load completely before music plays. All the styles are defined in an external style sheet using CSS. The banner uses javascript to randomly generate a number, 1-4, and then uses that variable to randomly select a starting banner (out of 4). After 4 seconds, a timeout function sets off an alarm, and the function which changes the image is once again called. The banner image is thus randomly selected as the page loads, and then changed every four seconds. The background images for the differnet banners were photoshopped from the amazing wallpapers "Calm Sunset" by Cannabian (Top Banner2.jpg), Portmeirion Sunrise by MadDanEccles (Top Banner3.jpg), Night Life by Ph0ton (Top Banner4.jpg), and Twilight Beach by GeorgeIsHere (Top Banner5.jpg). All are DeviantArt authors, and all credits go to them for the wallpapers.
Personal Information
This website was created in the Fall of 2005 as a research project for Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) 110: Introduction to Computing at the University of California, Berkeley. The required topic of the research was "Collaboration, Networks, and Computing." Using a three-step process, we were required to come a topic falling within the broader range of "Collaboration, Networks, and Computing", find out whether it could be done, and do the research. At the end of the semester, we were to present our research and findings on a website using our newfound knowledge of XHTML, Javascript, and some CSS.

My name is Anirudh Chadha and I am a first year student at the University of California, Berkeley. I am currently 17 years old and was born in Canada, but have lived in beautiful San Diego since I was six months old. Considering this is my first semester at Cal, I am still adjusting and getting accustomed to college life. My major is currently Undeclared Pre-Business, and I hope to enter the undergraduate program at the Haas School of Business my junior year. I am also highly interested in Psychology, and am currently considering double-majoring in Business and Pscyhology. In addition to my academic interests, I participate in a variety of extracurricular activities. Having founded a professional video production company (MGX Video) with my friends in high school, I have extensive interest and experience in video production and currently work for CalTV as Finance Director, a cinematographer, and an editor. My interests in business have led me to join the Freshman Sophomore Business Club, in which I am Committee Head of the Finance Committee. Throughout my life I have been religious and highly interested in Indian culture and history, and in addition to being a member of the Indian Student Association and the Hindu Students Council here at Cal, I read quite a bit of Indian history and politics. I enjoy soccer and basketball, web design, photoshop, and philosophical debate. Overall I just like to have fun with good, down to earth people and live life as it comes. Here is a picture of me:
Picture o' Me!

© 2005 Anirudh Chadha || IDS 110 Research Project