Workshop: Biofeedback

Dr.James Hardt, PhD

Dr.Hardt has discovered, mapped,
and learned how to optimize training of the brain wave
patterns underlying increased Happiness, Vigor,
Friendliness, Clear Thinking, Forgiveness, and also
the brain wave patterns associated with (and enabling)
Halos, the perception of Astral plane beings (e.g.
angels), and Kundalini, as well as the brain wave
patterns of widely recognized useful mind skills such
as Creativity, IQ Enhancement, Rapport and ESP. He
serves as the Chairman and President of the
Biocybernaut Institute family of companies.

He holds a B.S. in Physics from Carnegie Institute of
Technology, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Psychology from
Carnegie-Mellon University and he has done
post-doctoral training in Psychophysiology at the
University of California at San Francisco’s Langley
Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. He was also an
Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology in the UCSF
Department of Psychiatry. He has authored or
co-authored more than 60 scientific articles and
reports and has authored, co-authored or has pending
over 30 patents for the core technology, headsets,
training methodology, prescriptive brain mapping, and
brain-centered portion of virtual reality

Dr. Hardt has dedicated his life to the research,
development, application and, more recently, the
commercialization of technologies for Transformation
and for Increasing Spiritual Awareness. The central
focus of his technology is advanced applications of
neurofeedback (and feedback training of other kinds of
brain activity) and the detection and assessment of
moods and emotions that are below the level of
conscious awareness. He has earned a national
reputation as a preeminent research scientist for his
over 30 years of work in neurofeedback. His research
has been supported by private and Federal grants and
contributions from prestigious organizations such as
the Fetzer Foundation. He presents at prestigious
National and International meetings and has published
in leading scholarly peer-reviewed journals such as
Science, Psychophysiology, Biofeedback and
Self-Regulation, Journal of Experimental Psychology.
He has founded and serves as Chairman and President of
Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. (since 1983),
Biocybernaut Institute of California, LLC (since
1999), and Biocybernaut Institute of Nevada, LLC
(since 1999).

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