AC/DC Frequently asked Questions

  • Where can I find the lyrics to "You Shook Me All Night Long"?
  • What exactly is this club about?
  • Who is this Danny Chai guy then?
  • Who cares about Danny Chai???
  • What if I have absolutely no clue who he is?
  • How come some people call this the "Impartial Danny Chai Club"?
  • Are you in competition with the Anti-Danny Chai Club?
  • Doesn't the Bible say not to have false idols?
  • I looked around, but I ask again, who is this Danny Chai guy?
  • Why should I join AC/DC and what about these perks?

    Where can I find the lyrics to "You Shook Me All Night Long"?

    Sorry, this is the "Awareness Club of Danny Chai", not the "Anti-Christ/Devil's Child" home page. In no way are the two affiliated, nor will they ever be. Go use the Altavista search engine to find what you're looking for. Or better yet, check out this link. If you're into AC/DCish type music, perhaps you should try listening to Jars of Clay instead. (OK, it's not that similar, but oh well.)

    What exactly is this club about?

    This club was made because we feel that of all the people in the world, if you had to know one, it would be Danny Chai. This club is not for Danny Chai, it is about Danny Chai. It is for people to become as aware of every facet of Danny Chai's life as possible within the appropriate legal bounds. We want you to become aware of Danny Chai, hence the name "The Awareness Club of Danny Chai." It's as simple as that. Be aware of his existence, and if you want to, you can hate him or love him or feel indifferent. Whether it be his infamous slouch, or his uncanny wit, Danny Chai truly is a one-of-a-kind person that any person will testify is definitely someone they will remember for the rest of their lives.

    Who is this Danny Chai guy then?

    Go look through all the sections of this home page first and you'll find out. Otherwise ask again later.

    Who cares about Danny Chai???

    Look at the front page of the AC/DC page. Evidently dozens of people do globally. Can you say that about yourself? Are people from Malaysia and Finland and Iowa aware of you? Do you have several home pages devoted to your existence? Highly unlikely. Not for Danny Chai though.


    Well, that's not a question first of all, but anyway, it's good to hear that you have such strong feelings about him! This is not the Pro-Danny Chai club. This is the AWARENESS club so we welcome people like you. Make us aware of why you hate Danny Chai. It might clear up some misconceptions. On a side note, check out the Anti-Danny Chai Home Page for fellow disdainers of DChai.


    Again, this is not a question, and frankly, a very shocking statement. Nonetheless, if you really feel that empassioned towards Danny Chai and you're female, tell us about it here. Otherwise, try e-mailing him. It'll make him feel special.

    What if I have absolutely no clue who he is?

    That's all the better. This home page was made so that people who have no idea what the big deal about Danny Chai is can find out. People from all around the world know of Danny Chai, and we here at AC/DC think you should too. Apply for membership should you feel the desire.

    How come some people call this the "Impartial Danny Chai Club"?

    No clue. The idea that this club is for those who are impartial towards Danny Chai is a complete falsehood. This idea was propogated by certain people who shall go unnamed. This club is open to all people and has nothing to do with how a person feels about Danny Chai.

    Are you in competition with the Anti-Danny Chai Club?

    No. Many members of this club are members of the Anti-Danny Chai Club as well. We welcome discussion from them as to why they hate Danny Chai and we pass it on to you so that you may be made aware of how he irks people so.

    Doesn't the Bible say not to have false idols?

    Yes, that would be the 2nd Commandment. And no, Danny Chai is not our idol. Danny Chai is a Christian, and many of the members of the club are Christians. In fact, most people who know Danny Chai know him through some sort of Christian connection. We would be appalled, and frankly bewildered, if someone were to start worshipping Danny Chai. In no way do we want to compromise our beliefs by idolizing a sinner, and in the same way, this home page is not intended to create a cult following of Danny Chai. It was made so that we may learn more about one of God's precious creations.

    I looked around, but I ask again, who is this Danny Chai guy?

    Are you sure you looked hard enough? The amount of stuff to be aware of concerning Danny Chai certainly is a lot and it may be overwhelming, but if people from all around the world are aware of Danny Chai, don't you think you should be too?

    Why should I join AC/DC and what about these perks?

    Unlike the Anti-Danny Chai Page, we don't require a password to access the page. All the content here is totally open to the random viewer to ensure maximum awareness. However, if you would like to continue to be made aware of new developments in Danny Chai's life, we suggest that you sign up so you can be added to the mailing list. Perhaps in the future some substantial perks will come about (like an autographed shirt by Danny or whatever) but until then, get the burden off your chest and send in the application. Why spend all this time looking at this page if you're not going to sign up?