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Danny Chai:
Casanova or just plain NO?

That wonderful time is approaching...birds chirping in the air, the sun beating down from the pristine Bay Area sky, and certain hormone levels going out of wack. Yes, it is Spring Fever time for Danny Chai, and in the spirit of Valentine's Day, we dedicate this page to all the women of Danny Chai's life...

Danny Chai's old flames

Sorry, we're not talking about flames as in negative things said to him. We're talking about his old other halves, significant others, honeys, sweeties, yuhja chingoos, namja chingoos, yuhbos or dangshins. And frankly, WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY! Feel free to make us aware at the bottom though.

Danny's cyber-relationships

Here are a list of SEVERAL women who were thoughtful enough to take some of their precious time to make links to Danny Chai from their own home pages.

Secrets divulged from the outside

"Old flame: Eunice Lee."
Danny Chai, Stanford University
Note: Eunice happens to the younger sister of Kevin Lee, who doesn't want to mention how old his sister is now, but let's just say that she's not able to legally drive yet. He does admit though she is exteremely pretty, loves God, is smart, athletic and wants to go to Stanford or Harvard, all the qualities certain typical cradle-robbing Korean males go for, so if anyone wants to get her, he has to go through KEVIN LEE first!

"What are you talking about???? I AM beyond the legal age for driving... and I still have a clean record--thank you very much!!!"
Eunice Lee, Lynbrook High School

"Danny...nah, I better not."
Phil Kim, Stanford University

"I heard he had a thing for Linda Carter, TV's 'Wonder Woman'."
David Hong, Stanford University

"Have you ever dreamt about Danny? I have."
Valerie Hsieh, Stanford University

"I was under the impression that Danny wasn't attracted to females."
Kevin Lee, UC Berkeley

"Yeah, sure Val, I dream about Danny too...but I wouldn't advertise it on the fricken World Wide Web!"
Anonymous at Stanford University

"No secrets, however, I'd repeat my earlier comments on happiness in that I hope Danny can find happiness and fulfillment in the wholeness of his being, rather than be disappointed by expectations of less than perfect individuals. No, I am not a person jilted by relationships. And when I say less than perfect, I mean we all have the tendency to fall short of glory."
Wendy, anonymous respondant

"I've dreamt of Danny too. Only his hair was nappy, he had an earring (in his left ear), and he was smoking weed in a bombed out city."
Andrew Wong, Stanford University

"Danny Chai? He's the inspiration for my song, 'Chai is Fly!' some excerpts: 'My oh my, what a guy!", "We don't understand the reason why, he's alone by the phone waiting for a girl to dial 4840.'"
Desiree Ong, Stanford University

"Once he said I was beautiful. It made my year. :)"
Gloria Lee, Stanford University

"I think Danny is sooooo cool. He has this gift of knowing exactly what you're thinking...your anxieties, insecurities and fears. And then he says the most comforting things as if he had just read your mind. He's the man."
Gloria Lee, Stanford University

"Dan once told me he'd do anything for a kiss from [CENSORED], a freshman in high school from Houston."
Paul Jung, Rice University

"Have you ever dreamt about Danny? I HAVE!!! :*"
Phil Shin, University of Houston

"When Danny had his head shaved, it looked like a microphone."
Alisa Lee

"I know a thing or two... oh yes. I do."
Christine Chai, University of Texas at Austin

"If you're lookin' for love...
I'm pre-wed, and I'm waitin' for you, baby
Carrie Choi, Wellesley College

"When this message is read
Danny, get a clue.
Will you be the lucky man
for studette christin yoo?
To see what studette-hood you are missing..."
Christin Yoo, Wellesley College

"I live in south Alabama, the wind wistles 'chaii, cchaaaii' through the evening pines. I don't even know him but I want him. Damn this world, anyways"
LouAnne Bolis

"I thought he said he wasn't going to get married..I heard that when I was in the 7th grade. Strange. Now I see this web page, things sure do change! O(:o)"

Got any secrets about Danny you'd care to add here?

Just e-mail us ANYTHING related to Danny and women. Who he likes, who he dreams about, who he writes anonymous love letters to, and maybe even possibly, girls can write their heart's confession for everyone to see!

Your Name:

E-mail address:

Your thing for our inquiring minds: