To The Devil's Nose

Child Not Staying in Seat

Litter along the roads

Waiting for Bus

Vendors Showing their goods in the bus

Looking for Passengers

African American Community?

Livestock Farm

Bus Riding Evangelist who would not be quiet


Waiting for Bus

Makiko at Latacunga Bus Station

Riding at the Back of the Bus

Sheep Everywhere

Presidential Campaign in the Countryside


Boy who wanted me to photograph his coolness!

Girl in Traditional Attire

Even Little Girls help with transporting Chicken

Pig Heads for Sale

Quilotoa Marketplace

Posing by a Llama while Makiko takes some pictures

Children helping out with the store


Rice & Grain

More Vegetables for Sale

Child Guarding her Llama


Chicken Feet

Local Hats

Greetings from Children

American Car decorated with Asian Enamels

Lake Quilotoa

Volleyball is quite popular

Children herding the sheep

Children herding the sheep 2

Sheep on the road

Makiko & Poncho on the back of the Pickup

Crowded Truck


Cotopaxi Volcano Peeking out from the clouds

Local lady who jumped in the truck for a ride back to town

Poncho watching a soccer match in a store

Riobamba festival


Patches of everything

Train Tracks

Nothing but skin & head

Train in Town

Locals enjoying breakfast

Leaving Town

Through a Mountain Pass


Group of Locals Staring at Tourist Train

Town of XXXX

Inside Town of XXXX

Selling Water

Cattle Sale

The Train Conductor

Landslide blocking the way forward

Train from Afar

Satomi Everyone helping the clear the path

...but machine power is necessary

Looking out the window


Tourist Train

Hitomi & Toko back in Town

Old Lady Beggar walking down the street

Street of Alausi

Ice Cream Vendors

Soccer Grabs Everyone's Attention, especially Ecuador vs. U.S.

Town of Alausi

Lake of Alausi