I had traveled in Japan prior to going to Hong Kong. There was a strike at Northwestern prior so I was given tickets for Cathay Pacific. Throughout the airplane flight, I was thinking about the choice I had made to study in Hong Kong for one year. Was it a wise decision? Will I really enjoy it? How will this detour in studies affect my academic plans? Will everything seem like a dream when I have to return to America after one year? Anyway, I will try to enjoy my life in Hong Kong. This is September 1st, the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Left: I placed my camera against the window to take this photo. Of course, this is a view of the outside from my seat. I always enjoy taking the window seat because I like to look outside the window. No matter how long I may stare out the window, I will not be bored because the it is just magnificent.

Upon arriving in Chep Lap Kok Airport I was picked up by the International Club. (thanks Carrie!) I rode a taxi all the way to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. That night, other exchange students and I were given a small tour of the campus. All the exchange students (except postgrads) lived in Guo Mao Hall in Shaw College. For the next couple of days, we all were registrating for classes and attending orientations.

To the left is Toshi and to the right is Yoshi. They are both Japanese exchange students who I had met during my first day in Hong Kong. Many people associate Toshi to the popular Japanese actor/singer, Kimura Takuya, because of his hairstyle. Yoshi was my roomate during the orientation period. He is a Star Trek and baseball fan.

That same morning after breakfast we had an OISP Orientation. The big honcho, Prof. Jamieson first talked and then later Dr.Fu. Since many of the Japanese exchange students were not accustomed to listening to English, Kitty was there to help translate things.

I also just met Kaori and Kyesook that day. They are both students from Kwansei Gakuin. In the photo, I am sitting in between them.

Temple Street

On September 2nd, an International Club member showed us around Mongkok, including Ladies' Street and Temple Street. Temple Street comes to life at dusk. Traffic stops. People swarm. And hundred of little stalls appear out of nowhere. This is the Temple Street Night Market. Carts bulge with goods, from clothing to movile phones and watches. There are also Chinese street opera and fortune tellers. Food stalls are also all around.

Toshihiro paid $40 to get his fortune. The fortune teller opened the cage and let out a bird which grabbed a piece of paper with it mouth before returning back to its cage. The fortune teller read the fortune saying that Toshi will be happy with his girlfriend. However, Toshi doesn't have one. The fortune teller than said that it can also be interpreted that he will get a girlfriend before the end of the year!

New Territories Tour - September 4th

On moving day, all exchange students were to move out of Guo Mao Hall and into their permanent hostels. Buses moved the students and tracks carried their luggage. However, because the buses didn't go everywhere, some people had to take a taxi or ask someone for a ride. Those who were assigned to live in Guo Mao were lucky because all they had to do was to move around in the same building. I moved in next door to Shaw Hostel 2.

left to right:Kye Sook, Kiyoko, Mayuko, Takuya, Toshi, Yoshi, Nobuko, and Chang Ki

Shatin Racecourse

Ryoji, Yoshiharu, Junichi, James, Toshiharu, Hera and I went to watch horseracing. Ryoji, Yoshi, Junichi and James all bet $10 each, but each of them lost. However, they described the feeling as exhilarating when they watched the horses jockeying for position.


I did a very dumb mistake when I came to Hong Kong: I accidently left my Student Visa at home. My brother had to fed-ex the visa because the expiration date was approaching. Next I had to go to Lo Wu to exit HK and re-enter with the student visa. I wanted to immediately come back right after exiting but the immigration officers told me that I needed to make a round trip, meaning I had to pay 100 HKD for a 5 day Shenzhen visa. I went over to the other side and just explored the area by myself until I felt there was nothing left to see. What a waste of money...

Club Day

On club day, many clubs would set up display stands on the main campus and hand out many flyers. It was raining that day but quite a lot of students showed up. I was interested in a photographic club and the Northern Shaolin Kungfu Club. In the other picture is the Modern Dance club dancing in front of the University Library.

Shaw Hostel 2 Orientation Party

I was able to meet many people who live in my hostel through this event. I was able to trick so many people into thinking I was Japanese, especially because of a katakana nametag that I stuck on to myself. I also said "neih ho mah" very slowly and accented to continue the disguise. There was only one person who was able to see through my deception because he studied a little bit of Japanese before.

This is my roomate, Raymond. His major is FNS, or Food Nutritional Science. If you have any questions on how to lose wait, feel free to ask him! He was very surprised when I asked the warden of Hostel 2 to help me take this picture. Oh yes, he won a CD rack through a lucky draw.

On a Saturday when I nothing much to do, Toshi, Yoshi, Julia, and I went to Mongkok to eat at Spaghetti House because Toshi was starving for salad. Anyway, Toshi, Yoshi, and I took a tram on Hong Kong Island from one point to another for no particular reason except for sight seeing. The tram is quite shaky, especially when it turns. The tram is also a very slow vehicle. I wonder why such vehicles still exist in Hong Kong because it just seems too old fashion and doesn't really fit the past paced life of Hong Kong. Maybe some sort of nostaligia for the past...

This picture was taken from behind the tram on the top section. Notice the rails for the trams on the light gray colored section of the street.

Kungfu Exercises

Japanese Society

The Japanese Club held their orientation at Chung Chi Canteen. At each table there were local students and several Japanese exchange students. There was bingo and lucky draw. All the Japanese exchange students went onto stage to sing Le Couple's "Hidamari no Uta." Everyone knew this song very well. However, there was a bit of chaos when they were singing Kubota Toshinobu's "La la la love song." Luckily Toshihiro took the microphone and started singing loudly!

Left to Right: Toshiharu, Takuya, Hiromi, Kye Sook, Kaori, Kiyoko, Tomoe, Yukako, Ayumi "big", Mitsuyo, Yuka, Rieko, Chihiro, Chang Ki, Mika, Eri, Ryoji, Kimiko, Mayuko, Masayuki

M-112A Class

This is my class! It is 1st level Putonghua. This is my first time learning Mandarin, not to mention simplifed characters! Language classes are really small and so there are only eight people. I'm taking 12 units of this subject because they don't offer 9 units. Thus I go to class from 9:30-12:20 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Every lesson we will have a dicatation and every five lessons we will have a test.

left to right: Bai Si Le, Ja Na Jin, Toshi, I, Mayuko, Mika, Eri, and David. I'm not sure about some of the names, so I am writing in pinyin for some people.

Rieko, Reiko, and Peter

On September 25th, there was a birthday party for Rieko, Reiko, and Peter. Actually, this day was no one's birthday, but the National Day holiday was coming up and people would be travelling. Thus, it was decided that we would all celebrate their birthday today. A lot of people helped out in cooking the Japanese food. There was soba, sushi, cake, beer, soda, etc... The food was oishii!

Reiko holds a cactus, Tomoe sits in the center, Rieko holds a cup

Lantau Island- September 26th

International Club Orientation Night

International Club is sort of like a social club that organizes activities for the local students and the exchange students. At this o-night help on September 29th, there were various games. One was to pick up a certain number of beans the quickest. Another was to write International Club in Chinese as beautiful as possible using a brush and feet. Finally there was a soda drinking contest. Everyone who went received a free lantern.

New Asia College 1000 People Party - September 30th

Mika no Surprise Party! - September 30th