2007 Spring Vacation

Ben, my brother's roommate, is creating vinyl toys

Skull bunnies, produced in a batch

Final product of skull bunny

Tom, Alex & Toko at Taiwan Restaurant in Berkeley

Behind Taiwan Restaurant

Haul From Japan

Elijah's 1-month Party: Tracy & Sophia Welcoming Guests

Elijah's 1-month Party: Tim, Van, and Kids

Elijah's 1-month Party: Face Paint

Elijah's 1-month Party: Ken and the kids, Crystal & JC

Elijah's 1-month Party: Crystal & JC Sparring

Elijah's 1-month Party: Bill with Sophie

Eunice Practicing the Jello

Ngeen Ngeen Preparing Lunch

Family Hanging Out at Garage


Toko Visits my Home

Stanford Tower

Entrance to Stanford

Dinner with Toko & Naoko

Bicylist Views Downtown SF from Twin Peaks

Yu & Puppy

Puppy Closeup

Graveyard of My Great-Grandfather

Luong Playing Basketball at a Local League

Chun, Steve, & Luong

Hanging Out with Cousin Helen & her friend