Tour for Tetsuya
Monday, September 10th, 2001

I met Tetsuya, a government official who graduated from Todai, at the CJC nomikai last week and we went to Stanford today. I actually have never been to Stanford before and now I actually have a reason to go because he was thinking about going to Stanford for graduate school in the future. During the drive to Palo Alto, Tetsuya and I were singing Ozawa Kenji songs... We walked around Stanford and had lunch over there before going to San Francisco. I took him to Lombard Street, Golden Gate Bridge, Sausalito, etc... At night we had dinner with Tetsuro at Yokohama at the Berkeley Food Court because this was one of the few places still open at night.

Tetsuya about to bite into the sandwich

In front of some unimportant building

Berkeley's is still bigger than Stanford's

Golden Gate Bridge
