CJC Nomikai
Saturday, September 8th, 2001

The nomikai took place right after the Welcome Party and was held at Naoko & Nori's place. People chatted, ate the $100 worth of snacks, played an America quiz game on the Sega Saturn, got drunk, spilled food over the floor, etc... The nomikai was supposed to cost all the participants but after repetitive begging by the members to the kaichou, kaichou decided that CJC would pay for it! As one of the hosts became drunk, it was better to move the nomikai location over to Warren's...

Everyone watches while Takuya, Takaaki & Tetsuro plays.

Toshi drinks beer & Yu eats chips.

Clumbsy Fumi spills Chinese on the floor & Toko helps clean up.

Tetsuya & Katsuki take a cigarette break outside.

Fumi approaches the tripod. Is he drunk?

Warren narrowly dodges Fumi's punch.

Kohei, Fumi, Tetsuya, and Takuya absorbed in the game.

Naoko takes care of a drunk Nori

Hallway filled with people

Saori and Yu give each other big hugs

Nomikai Part 2 at Warren's

A buzzed Kaori trying to avoid the camera