Update Log

2007.03.10 Entire Website Updated
2004.09.20 Photos from the last 5 months have been uploaded. They include photos from my trips to Korea, and also of my trips to America.
2004.03.08 8 months of photos uploaded.
2003.12.25 One year of photos have been uploaded with comments. Enjoy!
2003.12.10 Almost one year since the last major update. However, there are major plans to revamp the site, especially now that I have internet at home!
2002.09.13 scanned some photos for the America section, although no comments are put up yet.
2002.09.03 Started to move files around...new photos, or should I say old photos are also up.
2002.07.05 Added Japan 4 section up. I have been procrastinating for such a long time because I can't seem to get good scans of the photos. That makes a huge difference in the quality.
2001.11.14 Added more photos and text to Fall 2001. Also, fixed up Japan 3.
2001.09.26 Text added to Japan 3 up to Kansai Again. However, I still need to edit this text.
2001.09.19 Text added to HK section in Japan 4.
2001.09.18 More photos for the Neruton section!
2001.09.14 Added HK section to Japan4. Fixed up the main page a little bit and made "About Being Happy Cornered."
2001.09.13 Finished the CJC Welcome Party in Fall 2001!!!
2001.09.12 Added the iron chef newspaper article to the iron chef section in summer 2001. I should be finishing the CJC welcome party section sometime today... All I need is to scan the drawings!
2001.09.11 Finished "Fall 2000 to Spring 2001" section. There is one missing roll of film... Hopefully I'll find it so I can finish off the Yosemite section as well as some other loose ends.
2001.09.10 4 Rolls of Film have just been developed. I have already scanned some photos and placed it onto Fall 2001 in the California Life section. More are coming...
2001.09.08 Gokon section added
2001.09.08 Yeah! I'm getting more hits to my homepage! Haven't had this many since leaving Hong Kong. Anyhow, I finished the summer section!
2001.09.08 Gave a face left to the profile section "Me, Myself, and I." However, I still have a lot to fix.
2001.09.07 Added lots of photos and information to the Summer of 2001 in the California life section!
2001.09.02 New title page...but it still needs to be worked on. Added Iron Chef section to 2001 in America. The photos taken the previous year have all been developed and will be posted on the web! Check back often for new stuff!
2001.08.15 Incredible! My webspace has been upped from 8 MB to 100 MB!!! Now I don't really need to use Fortunecity nor Geocities. I'll just have everything on this site... Because of that, I moved everything back to OCF... The website is now pretty much a mirror image of my hard drive! Things I did...all the little mistakes have been fixed in the Hong Kong section. For example, I added an extra photo to September. As for Japan3, I'm still entering the text. The style for Japan3, Taiwan, Japan4 are far from complete. When photos arrive on 8.23, I can scan more photos for Japan4 and the America section. Those photos amount to roughly 35 rolls of film!
2001.07.17 Finally got around to uploading all the sections I have finished a while ago including taiwan, america. japan 4 is still in incomplete and japan 3 is still far from finished (completely broken). I actually ran out of web space and had to use geocities. Another thing, a minor one. From now on the homepage name will no longer be Torieyes, but Happy Corner. My sister was actually joking and after thinking for a while I thought that the name was actually quite appropriate.
2001.06.26 Finished May & Hostel section. Added unfinished June section. Working on Shanghai trip and Taiwan trip. Improved HK page.
2001.05.25 Added Macau section, unfinished May section and Hostel section
2000.01.21 Added new link Study Abroad. This homepage has just so much information! What should I do this summer...
2000.01.15 Completed the HK May section & the U.S. section
2000.01.12 Finished HK April
2000.01.03 Created the March section

1999.12.27 added more pictures and text to the February section
1999.11.30 I have to really work on my homepage. I fixed some of the links up, as I had originally stored some of my homepage on my brother's now defunct UC Davis account. I have everything backed up on my computer at home in Sacramento. However some of the fortunecity files are quite old and I have to load in the new ones. However I won't have time until winter break to take care of this. Over winter break I hope to do some major updating. I still have yet to do:
Shanghai/Wuxi/Hangzhou/Suzhou trip - last winter's one week trip
Macau trip - truly crazy 2 day adventure
February text
March section
April - includes OISP farewell photos
May - my solo adventures around HK
Taiwan trip
Japan trip - one month trip...however I haven't developed photos yet. I averaged a roll per day
Berkeley life - boring stuff at Berkeley...hey, I'll put a picture of my new roommate up...
1999.10.05 In the middle of creating me section
1999.09.09 Added new links, including OISP, UC Kungfu Club, etc... At the OISP website you can see pictures from OISP for the 1998-1999 school year!
1999.08.30 Finished writing Wednesday section. Added a new picture.
1999.06.09 added April Section but it is far from finished.
1999.03.24wrote about my typical school day
1999.03.02 Added February. Added more pictures to Cheung Chau and Yau Ma Tei Temple
1999.02.06 Added many new pictures to September and October, including all the sub-sections. Definately worth looking at these sections because of the large amount of additions. Now I am caught up with everything in my homepage except for the Shanghai trip.
1999.02.05 Added School & Cheung Chau trip photos. Cheung Chau is not yet complete because there are still undeveloped film. I also added some new links including Kinglok's homepage, and some ICQ forwards. October's Guangzhou Trip, Mid-Autumn Festival and Shantou Trip now have text.
1999.02.03 the staff at OCF finally brought OCF back up after a hacker attack. I have added Tiger Balm Gardens & Repulse Bay to January and added Chikako's birthday. Added Kinglok's homepage into links. Check it out!
1999.01.23 New sections in January. They are Ping Shan Trail and Yopparatta no Kiyoko. Also the is also new next in this section. Many new photos.
1999.01.22 Added text to September's Lantau Trip, N.T. trip. Added text to December's Dragon Tour. Added Julia's homepage. Added text to October's CC 1000 people party.
1999.01.20 Editted December and January. Added a lot of text including haircut, Yoshi's birthday, Shaw College Fashion Show, Shek O, etc..
1999.01.15 Editted November, the football section. Added a lot of text to December, making Kong-Nam section. I also added a Shanghai section in the front page but I have yet to put text or display all of them. Also replaced the bag with the current one I am using right now.

1998.12.19 Added one more picture to Michael's birthday, a polaroid photo taken by the Hard Rock staff. Also, I added a picture of a singer from Bz and a program for the Kong Nam competition in December.
1998.12.15 Added several new sections into December. However, Dragon Tour isn't complete because some of the photos are on the roll of film which I haven't developed yet.
1998.12.08 Added a top ten list in the Thanksgiving dinner.
1998.12.07 Added a lot of photos!! Must see Thanksgiving Party. Also included one more photo in the Tram Party to thank the International Club. Worked on November and December! Lots of new sections!
1998.12.06 Added some "ICQ links" which are links that are interesting and could be shown to other people. Also put a picture of my phone in the interesting things in Hong Kong place. Later on the day I added a lot of photos. I enlarged the OISP photo in September's New Territory Trip and Lantau Island. I also added another tram party at the end of November. Finally I created the December section. However, there are still a lot of things that I haven't put in yet...the last two photo books!
1998.11.30 Wrote in "Interesting Things in Hong Kong"
1998.11.23 Added text to the Tram Party
1998.11.22 Added text to the Japan Again, November, Barbecue, and Legco Trip
1998.11.21 Added November section and new pictures. I relocated some of my page into fortunecity. Also, I am not done with writing...too much to do!
1998.11.08 Added info for October's Hong Kong Park and Chris Patton's booksigning!
1998.11.01 UC 1000 People Party Section. Added some photos to October
1998.10.31 Added some text to the Guangzhou trip. Fixed up the layout for National Day Trip.
1998.10.27 Revised HK September section by adding text and creating tables. Added a Netstat counter.