Arriving in Kanto Region

DAY 1 - I slept most the time aboard the airplane from Hong Kong to Japan, waking up only twice to get something to drink and to eat lunch. I was exhausted and needed the rest because I had moved around a lot and gotten very little sleep the past week. I had been flying from Taiwan to Hong Kong, doing all the last minute shopping, and meeting friends for the last times. I was reading manga past midnight hours at James's house in Taiwan, packing all night at Raymond's house, and not getting a minute of sleep the night before. I woke up 10 minutes before landing. The sky was dark, with a steady pour of rain. After getting off the airplane, I rode the airport bus to the terminals. The customs guy was surprised that I had a basketball in my luggage. After exitting the I planned to call Junichi, however to my surprised, he was already waiting for me! The feeling of meeting in Japan was kind of strange, as if I was a parasite invading his established world. Anyhow, we rode the JR all the way to Hiratsuka.

Junichi Picks Me Up!

DAY 2 - Junichi's Tour of Hiratsuka & Kamakura

DAY 3 - I was to move over to Makiko's place in the morning but she was busy cleaning up. As a result I had lunch at Jun's place. Her mom made akoutai (a kind of fish), umeboshi (pinking sour plum), mentaiko (fish egg), and satuma-age (fried fish patty). Junichi accompanied me to Makiko's house in Oomori. I met both of her parents. I had actually met her mom before when in Hong Kong. Anyway, I had dinner with some of my brother Tom's friends, Tadashi and Tomo, at Shinjuku. The Italian food was pretty good. Tadashi is a vending machine refiller/truck driver for Kirin Beverage (but he will soon be sacchou ^_^) and Tomo is working for Citizen. That night I stayed at Makiko's brother's room. Her brother was currently an exchange student in America.

DAY 4 - Makiko & I took the JR to Shin-Yokohama, where we met Yuko. I had met Yuko earlier this year when she visited Hong Kong during Lunar New Year. As we went outside the station, I saw many people waving flags around to direct people and stop and go signals. It is supposedly a punishment for violating traffic laws. Admission to the Shin-Yokohama Raumen Museum costs 350 yen. Inside was a recreation of Meiji era shops. The delicious raumen I had costed about 1200 yen, but it was worth every single yen. Afterwards, we played those little carnival games. There were many "fake" policemen patrolling around the place, smiling at people. Upstairs were exhibits on raumen - instant raumens throughout the world and throughout time. We took a rest at Burger King before heading back to Makiko's house. Dinner was delicious sukiyaki. Desert was the mochi that Yuko bought.

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

Recreation of Edo Period Japan

Makiko Shoots a Rifle

Makiko & Yuko Remembering Their Youth

Noodles of the World

Burger King Queens

Drinking Coffee at Makiko's Home
DAY 5 - I woke up pretty late today but it was okay because it takes Makiko a long time to get prepared. ^_^ Today, our trip was to Sophia University. I wanted to take a look at life there. We ate at the university cafeteria. I also met Makiko's friend Ryuhei. I haven't seen him since the time we went to Macau together. Tomoe had invited me to a small party at night. The party was organized by Ayumi Homma, who was a CUHK exchange student the year before my year. Of course, Tomoe knew here because Tomoe was at CUHK for 2 years. The party was at Ooji. I also met some other people at the party, such as Tomoe's former roomate, Wendy, and Wendy's boyfriend. Ayumi's older sister, Sakaya, was telling about her experiences riding around in a bicycle in Hokkaido. She gave me advice about what places are good to travel to. It was interesting because I would soon be going there! The food consisted of Nikujaga, sushi, some Chinese, and eggs.

Sophia University

Makiko's Mom

Warren, Sakaya, Tomoe, Ayumi, Wendy & her boyfriend & his pupil

DAY 6 - Ryuhei came over to Makiko's house to cook lunch today. We had to go to the nearby supermarket to get all the necessary ingredients to make carbonalla, and to make salad. Ryuhei was very used to making pasta because he said that during his stay in England, it was expensive (not to mention bad-tasting) eating out. We received a phone call from Yoshil, who was coming down to Tokyo. When we met him in Ameyoko-cho, he was in a business suit because he was still in the middle of his job search. Yoshi & Makiko wanted ice cream so we rested for a while. I told Yoshi about my Hokkaido plan and I was very right in doing so because Yoshi is a seasoned traveler of Japan. He recommended places to go and even helped me look up the train guide. He also told me that he'll help me plan to trip when he goes back to Nagoya! Dinner was Negitoudon, consisting of spring onion, tuna, and rice. It was very good, but not fulfilling enough, so I got some chawanmushi, steamed unsweet egg pudding. Dinner was pretty pricey, about 1400 yen. Yoshi also gave me some Nagoya omiyage, uirou, some sort of jello. Ryuhei told us about what he was doing - he was the ace of the Sophia baseball team and was in the midst of trying to get back into shape because there were some pretty good freshman pitchers.

A Festival Atmosphere

A Giraffe Crane?

top: Hawaiian shirts are popular in Japan.

right: Visiting Ameyayokocho with Yoshi, Ryuhei & Makiko.

DAY 7 - Makiko made me some cereal for breakfast this morning. She took me to Ryuhei's apartment because I would be staying the night at his place today. We caught him at a bad time because he was still sleepy. I wanted to see Keio University, and what better person to go there with than Junichi. I was supposed to meet him at Tamachi JR station and to my surprise, he was all dressed up in a suit. He had some job thing to take care of today. Anyway, we went off to Keio University. To my surprise the front gate looked so plain, and there w was not even a sign! Again, I ate at the university cafeteria. I guess I like doing this because I get to spent more time soaking in the atmosphere of the university. The katsu rice was quite plain. I wrote some email before taking a look at the famous building here, the library. Unfortunately, I couldn't enter because I was not a student here. After I left Junichi at 4:00 pm, I did some shopping at Akihabara. I had dinner with Ryuhei's mom, Atsuko. She made some beef/onion/mushroom/green pepper mix. She surprised me a little when she took a polaroid photo of us and then asked me to sign it. She really has all sorts of foods in her house, especially that of wine and tea. She told me that she drinks a bottle of wine every 3 days. After Ryuhei came home that night, I chatted with him before I went to sleep. I slept on the floor with a blanket but no mattress. It was nevertheless comfortable.

left: Library

top: Entrance to Keio University

Junichi looks like a cool businessman.

DAY 8 & 9 - Yukako's Tokyo Tour

@ Shibuya

left: girl advertising outside a store

bottom: Bus advertising a GLAY concert

DAY 10 - I woke up at 5:00am easily, perhaps because of the excitement of the upcoming trip. Ryuhei's mom made me some breakfast. She also gave me two rice balls and a bottle of oolong cha before I parted with them at around 6:30. On the way to Tokyo station, I misread the map and had to transfer twice. I ran to catch the Shinkansen headed for Morioka but I missed it! In fact, I saw it going away, and away as I was on the wrong platform. I got the ticket for the 8:36 train instead.

Ryuhei is not a morning person.

Ryuhei's mom cooked me breakfast.

Passing Through Saitama in Shinkansen

On Towards To Hokkaido