Kansai Again

DAY 23 - Kobe

Musician Playing his Guitar

DAY 24 - Chang, Mika, & I at lunch at Lotteria. Mika recommended the ebi burger, and it tasted quite good. Basically we did a lot of shopping today. Chang was looking for shoes, and I was looking for a good hair dye. I initially thought about dark brown. Mika suggested red, and Chang came up with the idea of blue. I decided to go with blue because dark blue sounds pretty unique. We went to a cheap karaoke place, and I meant really cheap. On the TV screen, there were not even those lousy actors, but only the lyrics of the songs! But I really really enjoyed Chang Ki's singing, especially his Mononoke Hime theme song. His voice is so high! After 2 hours, we went to meet Kaori. We weren't yet hungry yet so we stopped by at a game center to play Bishi-Bashi Champ. To my utter surprise, Mika, who doesn't play video games, was so coordinated. I guess piano skills help... For dinner, we had Italian, then Chang Ki and I went returned to Hirakata. To dye my hair, Chang suggested that we do it at his friend's place nearby. It turned out to be quite a bad idea because some of the hair dye splashed onto the floor and it was extremely difficult to wipe them off. We decided not to take the chance of staining the bathroom sink, so I had to rush back to Chang's apartment with all the blue dye still in my hair! There, we used the dirty kitchen sink to wash the dye off. However, at the end, the blue dye is not visible! @$%#!

Giant Crab


Chang, Mika & I at Karaoke

Waterways of Namba

Giant Octopus

Namba Night

Macao Eggtarts in Osaka?

Mika Playing Bishi Bashi Champ

Eating at KaPuRiChouZa

Dyeing My Hair Blue

DAY 25 - Today, I was going to take it easy. I have had almost no rest for the past two weeks. Chang & I went to Hirakata City to take a look around. There wasn't really much to see. At a record store, I bought L'Arc~en~ciel's Ark CD because I liked one of the songs that Chang sang the day before. At night, I had dinner with Yuki at an izakaya after meeting her at Big Man.

Eating Omurice

Chang Ki's Dirty Apartment Complex

Chang Ki's Room

DAY 26 - Osaka Walk