Past Events

End of the Year Recital Fall 2024

The most successful end of the year recital yet!


Open Mic Social Fall 2024

Got to hear some lovely performances from our tutors & even did some impromptu karaoke during midterm season 😀

Lawrence Hall Instrument Petting Zoo Fall 2024

This Veteran’s Day weekend, we hosted an instrument petting zoo at the Lawrence Hall of Science. It was lots of fun as always and we even got to “pet” some dinosaurs!


Menlo Park Instrument Petting Zoo Fall 2024

We were invited this year to go to Menlo Park to host an instrument petting zoo for the kids! 🙂

End of Semester Recital Spring 2024

Our biggest recital yet! We had performances from students who learning drum set to voice to piano to flute!


Lawrence Hall Instrument Petting Zoo Spring 2024

Performed for and allowed kids coming into the Lawrence Hall of Science to touch and explore different instruments 🙂


Open Mic Social Spring 2024

Listened to some beautiful music by our fellow tutors performing a variety of pieces and instruments!


End of Semester Recital Fall 2023

Thank you for coming out to our end of the semester recital! We loved hearing all the hard work everyone put in – so much so, we gave all the kids trophies for performing!

Lawrence Hall Instrument Petting Zoo 12/2/23

This weekend, our tutors hosted an “instrument petting zoo” at the Lawrence Hall of Science inviting kids around the area to learn more about and interact with different instruments!


Open Mic Social 11/12/23

This Sunday, we got together to perform for one another as TMC tutors! Thank you to everyone who came, we loved seeing your amazing musical talents 🎹🎵


End of Semester Recital Fall 2022

Another successful semester in the books!


East Bay Center for the Blind 3/7/20

On Saturday, some of our TMC members went to our regularly scheduled service event at the East Bay Center for the Blind. Shoutout to our tutors for providing wonderful music for the residents!


End of Semester Recital 12/8/19

Thank you to everyone who attended our TMC recital on Sunday to celebrate the end of another semester! We hope you all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the performances put on by our students!

A special thank you to Noteworthy Men’s A Cappella for opening the recital with a fun performance, to Madeleine Lee for making the fantastic TMC pins that we were able to sell, and to Mark for helping set up the room. 

Last but not least, a huge shoutout to all the tutors, parents, and students! You all are the reason that we’re able to do what we do, and we’re so grateful.

Photos taken by Ryan Do. 


Volunteer Event @ East Bay Center for the Blind 11/16/19

This past Saturday, a couple of our TMC members went to the East Bay Center for the Blind on Adeline St. to play music for its residents. It was a great experience for us to remember why we do music volunteering. Seeing how music can bring people such happiness and joy is truly invaluable, especially because the residents rely on hearing for their daily lives. Thank you to everyone who came out! 🎹🎵


Fall 2019 Recap: CMD Strings & CMD Band

A big thank you to all the students, parents, and UC Berkeley musicians and directors who participated in our College Music Day events! Our CMD Strings event had around 10 students while our CMD Band event had over 20 students. Both had their highest turnouts to date! 🎶 We look forward to seeing everyone at our future events, and thank you for working with us to bridge the socioeconomic gap in music education.