The Undergraduate Major

Checklist of Requirements

A minimum of TEN upper division classes (33 units) are required and must include courses from the following:

  1. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: Three upper division courses required.
    1. CL 100: Introduction to Comparative Literature
    2. CL 151-160: Historical Period Course. (The course chosen should complement the period of the student's minor literature.)
    3. CL 190: Senior Comparative Seminar
  2. CLASSICAL LITERATURE: One upper division course (can be in translation); minimum 3 units: Classics 100A, Greek Literature; Classics 100B, Latin Literature; Classics 121, Ancient Religion; Classics 124, Classical Poetics; NES 135, Biblical Civilization; or an upper division literature read in the original, or in translation, from Greek, Latin, Classical Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, Sanskrit, or Classical Chinese.
  3. MAJOR LITERATURE: Four upper division courses required (see below for guidelines).
  4. MINOR LITERATURE: Two upper division courses, of student's choice.

Guidelines for the Major Field

The following are requirements for the majors in most Modern Western European Literatures.

These guidelines apply to: English, French, Italian, and Spanish major fields only (see below for German or Portuguese):

At least 4 upper division literature courses in the major literature, distributed as follows:

  1. One in the medieval literature
  2. One in the Renaissance (through the 17th Century)
  3. One in the 18th or 19th Century
  4. One in 20th Century literature

[There will be departmental supervision to ensure coverage within the major literature. Occasionally, a survey course will still be accepted, but it can apply to only one of the above historical periods]

All other literature requirements are outlined as follows:


  • Greek At least 4 upper division courses, including the following:
    1. Greek 101, Homer
    2. Greek 100, Plato and Attic Prose
    3. Greek 102, Drama and Society
    4. Any one of the following senior courses: Greek 115, Archaic Poetry; Greek 116, Greek Drama; Greek 117, Hellenistic Poets; Greek 120, Herodotus; Greek 121, Thucydides; Greek 122, Attic Oratory; Greek 123, Plato and Aristotle
  • Latin At least 4 upper division courses, including the following:
    1. Latin 101, Vergil
    2. Latin 102, Lyric and Society
    3. Latin 100, Republican Prose
    4. Any one of the following senior courses: Latin 115, Roman Drama Latin 116, Lucretius, Vergil's Georgics Latin 117, Elegiac Poetry Latin 118, Satire Latin 120, Livy Latin 121, Tacitus Latin 122, Post-Augustan Prose Latin 123, Petronius, Apuleius

German At least 4 upper division courses, including the following:

  1. German 105, Middle High German
  2. One course in 18th and/or 19th Century, e.g., Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, "Classicism", etc.
  3. One course in 20th Century literature
  4. One additional upper division literature course

Dutch At least 4 upper division courses beyond the 4th semester language course (normally Dutch 110). A maximum of 3 units of this requirement may be satisfied by upper division units in German literature.

  1. Dutch 140, Topics in Dutch Literature
  2. One course from the Dutch 160-166 series with readings in the original language (by arrangement with instructor) or Dutch 180, Middle Dutch

Modern Greek At least 4 upper division courses, including the following:

  1. Medieval Greek (CL 170):, Romances and Poetry
  2. Renaissance Greek (CL 170):, Cretan and/or Cypriot Renaissance Literature
  3. 18th or 19th Century (CL 170):, The Greek Enlightment and/or 19th C. Poetry
  4. 20th Century Greek (CL 170):, Greek Prose Fiction and/or Poetry

East Asian Languages and Literatures

  • Chinese At least 4 upper division courses beyond second-year Chinese, including the following:
    1. Chinese 120, Ancient Chinese Prose; or Chinese 122, Ancient Chinese Poetry; or Chinese 140, Chinese Buddhist Texts
    2. Chinese 132, Readings in Early Medieval Literature; or Chinese 134, Readings in Later Medieval Poetry; or Chinese 136, Readings in Late Medieval Prose; or Chinese 155, Vernacular Chinese Literature; or Chinese 138, Readings in Chinese Drama (Yuan-Ming)
    3. Chinese 156, Modern Chinese Literature; or Chinese 157, Contemporary Chinese Literature; or Chinese 101 (with consent of the Comparative Literature Department)
    4. One additional upper division literature course
  • Japanese At least 4 upper division courses beyond second-year Japanese, including the following:
    1. CLASSICAL/ANCIENT (Nara/Heian/early Medieval): Japanese 120, Intro to Classics; or Japanese 130, Classical Japanese Poetry; or Japanese 132, Nikki Literature; or Japanese 140, Heian Prose; or Japanese 230 (grad seminar in classical Japanese Poetry); also, depending upon topic, Japanese 234, Seminar in Classical Japanese Drama
    2. MIDDLE (Late Medieval/Edo): Japanese 142, Medieval Prose; or Japanese 144, Edo Literature; also Japanese 234 (grad seminar, when subject is Kabuki)
    3. MODERN (Meiji/Taisho/Showa/Heisei): Japanese 155, Modern Japanese Literature; or Japanese 159, Contemporary Japanese Literature; or Japanese 255 (grad seminar in Modern Japanese Literature); or Japanese 101 (with consent of the Comparative Literature Department)
    4. One additional upper division literature course

Near Eastern Languages and Literatures

  • Arabic At least 4 upper division courses beyond second-year Arabic, including the following:
    1. Arabic 105B, Classical Arabic Poetry; Arabic 104B, Classical Arabic Prose; or Arabic 111A, Survey of Arabic Literature: The Classical Periods
    2. Arabic 111B, Survey of Arabic Literature: The Post-Abbasid and Modern Periods
    3. Arabic 105A, Modern Arabic Poetry; or Arabic 1104A, Modern Arabic Prose
    4. One additional upper-division or graduate literature course (elective)
  • Hebrew At least 4 upper division courses beyond second-year Hebrew, including the following:
    1. Hebrew 101A or 101B, Biblical Hebrew Texts
    2. Hebrew 102A or 102B, Postbiblical Hebrew Texts or Hebrew 103A or 103B, Later Rabbinic and Medieval Hebrew
    3. Hebrew 104A and 104B, Modern Hebrew Texts (On rare occasion, Hebrew 100A or 100B is accepted, with departmental approval)

Portuguese At least 4 upper division courses, including the following:

  1. Portuguese 107A (Medieval)
  2. Pottuguese 107B (Renaissance)
  3. Portuguese 114 or Portuguese 128 or course in 20th century literature
  4. One additional upper division literature course

Slavic Languages and Literatures

  • Russian At least 4 upper division courses including the following:
    1. Any two of the following courses:
      1. Slavic 180, Studies in Russian Literature
      2. Slavic 181, Readings in Russian Literature
      3. Slavic 182, Pushkin
      4. Slavic 188, Russian Prose
    2. Two additional upper division literature courses. Note that courses in Russian literature in English translation may occasionally be counted as part of the requirement if the instructor signs a form stating that a substantial amount of this reading has been done in Russian; your adviser will provide you with the appropriate forms.

South and Southeast Asian Studies

  • Sanskrit At least 4 upper division courses beyond the first-year level, including the following:
    1. Sanskrit 101A and B, Intermediate Sanskrit
    2. Sanskrit 200A or B, Sanskrit Literature
    3. One additional upper division literature course

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