“Market Governance as a Balance of Power,” Politics and Society (September 2023).
“Marketcraft for India,” The India Dialog Working Paper Series (May 2023).
“Neoliberal Ideology and the Myth of the Self-Made Entrepreneur,” in Robert N. Eberhart, Michael Lounsbury, and Howard E. Aldrich, eds., Entrepreneurialism and Society: New Theoretical Perspectives, Research in the Sociology of Organizations (2022).
“Neoliberal Ideology and the Myth of the Self-Made Entrepreneur,” [open access version].
“The Politics of Accounting Standards: A Comment on Ramanna’s ‘Unreliable Accounts: How Regulators Fabricate Conceptual Narratives to Diffuse Criticism,'” Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium (January 2022).
“Level Up America: The Case for Industrial Policy and How to Do it Right,” Niskanen Center (April 28, 2021).
“The Regulatory Roots of Inequality in America,” Journal of Law and Political Economy (2021).
“The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Bureaucracy,” in Robert J. Pekkanen and Saadia Pekkanen, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics (Oxford, 2021).
“Abe’s Slight Left Turn: How a Labor Shortage Transformed Politics and Policy,” in Takeo Hoshi and Phillip Y. Lipscy, eds., The Political Economy of the Abe Government and the Abenomics Reforms (Cambridge, 2021).
“The Marketcraft Solution,” a policy paper for the conference on A New Deal for this New Century: Making Our Economy Work for All, New York University Global Academic Center, Washington DC, October 3 and 4, 2019.
Critical Dialogue, Perspectives on Politics (March 2019).
Vogel review of Vail, Liberalism in Illiberal States.
Vail review of Vogel, Marketcraft.
“Japan’s Ambivalent Pursuit of Shareholder Capitalism,” Politics and Society (2019) [link to published version].
“Japan’s Ambivalent Pursuit of Shareholder Capitalism,” Politics and Society (2019) [PDF of accepted version].
“Japan’s Labor Regime in Transition: Rethinking Work for a Shrinking Nation,” Journal of Japanese Studies (Summer 2018).
“What Ever Happened to Japanese Electronics?,” The Asia-Pacific Journal (November 11, 2013).
“Japan’s Information Technology Challenge,” in Dan Breznitz and John Zysman, eds., The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century? (Oxford, 2013).
“Japan’s Post-Catastrophe Politics,” Current History (September 2011).
“Japan’s Long Road to Competitive Politics,” Current History (September 2010).
“A Socio-Economic Perspective on the Financial Crisis,” Socio-Economic Review (July 2010).
With Kristi Govella, “Japan in 2007,” Asian Survey (January-February 2008).
“Japan’s New Politics,” Current History (September 2008).
“Why Freer Markets Need More Rules,” in Marc Landy, Martin Levin, and Martin Shapiro, eds., Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform (Brookings, 2007).
With Gene Park, “Japan in 2006,” Asian Survey (January-February 2007).
“Routine Adjustment and Bounded Innovation: The Changing Political Economy of Japan,” in Wolfgang Streeck and Kathleen Thelen, eds., Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies (Oxford, 2005).
“The Re-organization of Organized Capitalism: How the German and Japanese Models Are Shaping Their Own Transformation,” in Kozo Yamamura and Wolfgang Streeck, eds., The End of Diversity? Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism (Cornell, 2003).
“Introduction: The San Francisco System at Fifty,” in Steven Vogel, ed., U.S.-Japan Relations in a Changing World (Brookings, 2002).
With John Zysman. “Technology,” in Steven Vogel, ed., U.S.-Japan Relations in a Changing World (Brookings, 2002).
“Final Thoughts: Whither U.S.-Japan Relations?,” in Steven Vogel, ed., U.S.-Japan Relations in a Changing World (Brookings, 2002).
“The Crisis of German and Japanese Capitalism: Stalled on the Road to the Liberal Market Model?,” Comparative Political Studies (December 2001).
“Can Japan Disengage? Winners and Losers in Japan’s Political Economy, and the Ties That Bind Them,” Social Science Japan Journal (Spring 1999).
“When Interests Are Not Preferences: The Cautionary Tale of Japanese Consumers,” Comparative Politics (January 1999).
“International Games With National Rules: How Regulation Shapes Competition in ‘Global’ Markets,” Journal of Public Policy (Fall 1997).
“The Bureaucratic Approach to the Financial Revolution: Japan’s Ministry of Finance and Financial System Reform,” Governance (July 1994).
A New Direction for Japanese Defense Policy: Views from the Liberal Democratic Party Diet Members, Occasional Papers/Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, University of Maryland School of Law (1984).