OCF Fall 2000 BoD Meeting minutes - for 11/2/2000 BoD meeting.

Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 22:31:03 -0800 (PST)
Notes by: Andrew Cheng <drew@OCF.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Bod Minutes  11/2/2000

Bod members in attendence:

suztang, wyc, ceugene, jshen, smcc, cpfeyh, jtsai, akopps, gmg, drew,
kenao, ivan(cameo appearance)

quorum? not really.....

GM report:
-work on new acct. forms
-work (thought about) on MOU
-Patrick talked with Tom Baker, who will accompany us to present
to ASUC senate....also left message with Richard Watson about AC quote.

SM report:
-added 4gig disk to famine /opt/local/src
-opt local nearly out of space (clean or add new space?)
-smcc says gnome can be deleted cause its b0rk3n...
-talk with CNS network guy about estimate for network upgrade(should
include switch)
-kennish submitted for a switch donation
-v-host for FLEET on death crashes akopps browsers...

Old business:
-Acct. form draft passed around
-Approve is currently setuid root...possible security issue...but no one
who isn't on approve knows about it anyway...
-talked about running crack on /etc/passwd or using cracklib in approve
-possible things to display on first login/terminal open(mandatory passwd

New Business:
-Alumni policy issue...they currently can't get into hellar...but we can't
do anything but ask asuc to let them in
-Alumni card(expensive but lifetime) enough for ALL things on
campus??? don't ask us...we don't know.....

Misc. topics:
-talks to sorry jeffe for doing CS homework at the lab b/c of old MOU
about the apollos
-Muhammad(sp?) says he can get us paper...or money for paper....
-old staffer, Adrian Thomas(sp?) donates a sun monitor

***Ivan appears.....
-Our bill will be up next wed. Night 7pm in asuc senate (BOD please attend)
-Users maybe sign a petition for AC
-Finance meeting TBA
-Ivan will talk with alex about alumni and non id-card holders to sign
into heller
***Ivan has left the building.....

-akopps will return the barrows gateway to heller, for staff testing of