Though the Student Organic Garden is located on UC Berkeley property, we do not receive funding directly from the university. Our operational costs are largely paid for by generous organizations through grants. SOGA’s currently funding comes from a The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) grant (#thankgoodnessitsfunded!). However, SOGA is always open to additional support, which will be allocated towards seeds, tools, event supplies, and continued payment for hard-working garden managers. Your contribution will help ensure that our events remain free for all members of the public.
Donations can be made in the garden with our karma box, or through our sponsor, the Associated Students of the University of California:
The Student Organic Garden is a sponsored student group of the Associated Students of the University of California, a non-profit unincorporated association, IRS Code 501c3. Your donation to the ASUC on behalf of ASUC/SOGA may be claimed as charitable. Checks should be made payable to the ASUC/SOGA and mailed to:
ASUC/Student Organic Garden
c/o LEAD Center
432 Eshleman Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-4500Documentation of the ASUC’s Tax Identification or a tax-deductible receipt is available upon request.