The 5th Annual UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium
Friday, April 26, 2013
Alumni House, UC Berkeley Campus
The UC Berkeley Sociological Research Symposium offers undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals opportunities to share exceptional sociological work from different disciplines. By inviting students and professionals to present their work, the Symposium seeks to create a greater sense of community among sociological scholars.
This year, the Symposium will organize its conference around the theme, “Seeking Social Change: Reflections Across Time & Space” Our keynote speaker will be UC Berkeley Associate Professor Raka Ray, current Chair of the Department of Sociology at Berkeley and scholar of gender and feminist theory, domination and inequality, the emerging middle classes, and social movements.
Registration and food are free, but presenter and attendee spots are limited. We are currently accepting presenter applications and attendee registration online. Please be sure to reserve your spot to participate in the Fifth Annual Symposium!
Co-Sponsored by the Berkeley Undergraduate Sociology Association (BUSA), Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD), the Department of Sociology, and the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC).
We can’t wait to see you there!