College of Chemistry Course Guide

IB C143B/PSYCH C116 - Hormones and Behavior (3 Units)

(Taken from the UC Berkeley Course Guide)

Course Overview


This course provides a comprehensive overview of behavorial endocrinology beginning with hormone production and actions on target issues and continuing with an exploration of a variety of behaviors and their hormonal regulation/consequences. The course uses a comparative approach to examine the reciprocal interactions between the neuroendocrine system and behavior, considering the effects of hormone on development and adult behavior in addition to how behavior regulates endocrine physiology. While much of the course focuses on non-human vertebrate species, the relevance to humans is explored where appropriate. Topics include sexual differentiation and sex differences in behavior, reproductive, parental, and aggressive behaviors, and hormonal and behavioral homeostatic regulation.


Completion of biological prerequisites for the major and consent of instructor; a course in mammalian physiology recommended

Spring only


Time Commitment

2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week.

UC Berkeley Course Guide