Chem 1AL is a general chemistry lab for non-chemistry majors, designed to introduce a variety of topics, ranging from acid base chemistry to light chemistry. Chem 1AL also primarily emphasizes “green” chemistry and the practice of sustainable techniques which can be used in the laboratory. The first two labs are pretty introductory, but after those, you begin to move into the more expansive two and three week labs. For example, in the three week Biofuels lab, you learn how to synthesize your own “biofuel” and from your data, write a short argumentation on which fuel is “better,” (in terms of sustainability, quality etc.) At the end of the semester, there is a final exam based on both lecture and lab material from the course.
Chem 1A; may be taken concurrently
Unit I: Introduction
Unit II: Polymers
Unit III: Acid Base Chemistry
Unit IV: Biofuels
Unit V: Extraction
One hour lab lecture each week. 3 hours of lab every week. Approximately 3 hours of pre/post lab worksheets.
Chem 1AL is a pretty laid back class, so you should be fine taking it with other classes you need, no matter the difficulty.
Depending on your major, the next step would usually be to enroll in Chem 3A and 3AL, Organic Chemistry for non-chemistry majors.
Chem 1AL can be extremely nitpicky at times, so just beware of the hidden requirements (such as submitting your post lab worksheets online as well as submitting them in person during lab.) Good luck!
Written by: Hannah Solis
Last edited: Fall 2018