The research seminar, “Financial Futures for UC”, will be meeting this semester on the Berkeley campus starting September 15, 2009:

Tuesdays  3:30 – 5:00 in Room 468 Birge Hall

This will be an intellectual effort to understand and scrutinize the familiar ideas now afloat and hopefully to create alternatives. Questions about finance, philosophy, politics, pedagogy, etc. are all relevant. Faculty and students are invited to attend and participate.

Charles Schwartz
Professor Emeritus

#1: Seminar9_15_09GlantzSelected quotes

#2: Seminar9_22_09

#3: Seminar9_29_0908sch12c.pdf, 08sch12b.pdf, u-751-17.pdf, NACUBO2002.pdf , Notes

#4: Seminar10_6_09FacultyTimeUse.pdf

#5: Seminar10_13_09UCemploy4-09.pdf

#6: Seminar10_20_09BetterPlan.pdfUCWatch.pdf

All six meetings of the Seminar in one package:  theSeminar.pdf