Charles L. Schwartz

Work for Social Responsibility in Science


  • 1967 - Pushed the American Physical Society to allow discussion of controversial issues involving science and politics (e.g., the Vietnam War)
  • 1969 - Co-founded the organization Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action (later renamed Science for the People) - A Partial Archive of SftP
  • 1970 - Formally reprimanded by the Chancellor at Berkeley for requiring students to adopt a mild Hippocratic Oath for Scientists
  • 1970 - Fired from staff position at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory for organizing lunch-hour discussions on controversial issues involving science and politics
  • 1970 - A NOBEL Dialogue
  • 1974 - Probing the Rockefeller Fortune (Congressional testimony)
  • 1975 - 1990 - Taught a course in the Physics Department: "Physics in the American System", a critical study of the political, economic, and social forces that influence the work of physicists and scientists generally
  • various occasions - arrested for practice of nonviolent civil disobedience
  • various occasions - public lectures on the nuclear arms race and other issues

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    "Publish & Perish: Integration of University Science with the Pentagon" (with Paul Selvin) in Science for the People, Vol. 20 Jan/Feb 1988

    "Scientists: Villains and Victims in the Arms Race: An Appraisal and a Plan of Action" in Bulletin of Peace Proposals, Vol. 19 No. 3/4 1988

    "Career Information for the Socially Responsible Student in Physics/Chemistry/ Mathematics/Electrical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Materials Science," six versions of a booklet published at Berkeley 1989.
    >>> Physics Booklet

    "Political Structuring of the Institutions of Science" in Laura Nader, ed., "Naked Science: Anthropological Inquiry into Boundaries, Power, and Knowledge," New York: Routledge, 1996 here

    "The APS: A Scientific Society or Cult?" Letter in APS News, American Physical Society, April 1998