A New Piece of Legislation in
Sacramento to Curb the UC Regents' Excesses of Secrecy
A. B. 775, authored by Assemblymember Leland Y. Yee (D-San
Francisco), amends the Open Meetings Law applicable to the
Regents of the University of California
(Education Code Sections 92020 and 92032) to require that:
• Consideration of compensation for certain high level executives be
done in open meetings
• Advisory committees involving regents must also obey the open
meetings rules
Endorsing the bill: California Newspaper Publishers Association
(Sponsor), AFSCME, Council of UC Faculty Associations, UC Student
Association, Californians Aware, California Labor Federation,
California Nurses Association, various individuals.
Text of the legislation (as amended 6/20/06)
My letter in support
UC's letter in opposition
Journey in Sacramento
PASSED (vote 8-1) in the Senate Education Committee 6-28-06
Next due for consideration in the Senate Appropriations Committee